apprehension slid down her spine. She was always afraid one of the firemen would be injured or there would be a fatality. Firefighting was a dangerous occupation. Even with her hatred of Damien, her need to be free of him, she wouldn’t wish a fiery death upon him or anyone. But he wasn’t the main one on her mind. Oh, she worried about them all—Hotshot, Blaze, Maverick, Dallas and the rest—but Titan was the one she prayed for. So pray she did, asking for his safety, his care. She turned up the volume so she could hear the dispatcher’s voice while she got ready for bed.
As she stood nude in front of the bathroom mirror, Makenna studied her reflection. Oh she paid no attention to her looks, what little she had, or to her too generous figure. What caught her eye was what she had to hide. The fresh bruises on her breasts, the older yellow and purple ones on her ribcage, and the black finger marks on her shoulder where he’d grabbed her and flung her against the wall the night before.
If only she could have a normal life with a man who loved her.
After a quick shower, she returned to the living room, sitting next to the scanner. At least this way she could keep up with the unit, make sure they were all okay by listening to their radio transmissions. Plus, she’d know when Damien was on his way home.
Over at the brewery, things weren’t going as planned. Titan thought they’d be in and out quickly. The initial report had been that a welder was working to replace an old fire escape when a spark ignited some beams in the wall. Two ladder trucks had begun spraying the outside structure while he and two others had headed inside. They’d got everyone to safety and were on their way out when a spark fell into one of the vats. That was all it took. With the flammability of alcohol, the explosion was instantaneous. The whole building shook and Titan was thrown about twenty feet. As he tried to rise, he hung his jacket on an exposed jagged pipe, tearing the thick material. A flame of fire licked right up his side. Due to his battered gear, Titan was burned. The next thing he knew, the whole ceiling was coming down.
“Man down! Man down!”
Through a haze of pain, he heard Ronan radioing for help. The last thing on his mind was…Makenna.
Back at the Wade house, she heard the ominous announcement. “Man down! Man down!” Jumping up, Makenna ran to the scanner, standing over it with her heart in her throat. The channel was designated for firemen and first responders only, and since this was a rural community, there were few formalities.
“Who is it and what’s going on?”
She knew this was one of the EMTs, most probably Owen, the senior member of the team. Straining to hear, Makenna went down on her knees.
“Ceiling collapsed, one of the ale vats exploded. The firefighter is unconscious with some burns to his back. He’s out of the building and we’re working on him now. Hurry, it’s Titan Sloan.”
Unbidden, a cry broke from her throat and she didn’t even think. Running to her room, she scrambled to get back into her clothes. With little forethought and no plan, she grabbed her keys. Makenna was out the door and headed for the hospital before she could talk herself out of it.
“Hurts like a bitch!” Titan groaned.
“Hold still, son,” the doctor ordered. “If you’re able to make so much noise, I think you’re going to be fine.”
Titan should’ve been relieved at the announcement. Instead, he cursed himself for his idiocy in not anticipating what was about to happen. “Was anyone else hurt?”
“No, not to my knowledge,” Doc Proctor muttered as he applied ointment to the second degree burns on Titan’s back.
“At least I didn’t need blood. With my rare blood type I would’ve probably died.” Titan closed his eyes, trying to shut out the pain. Burns were the worst.
“I remember, you’re AB positive. No problem now, you had an anonymous donor give blood