Temptation in a Kilt

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Book: Temptation in a Kilt Read Online Free PDF
Author: Victoria Roberts
offered Aiden.
    “Aye.” Ciaran shook his head regretfully. “There is naught we can do now. His pain will be much on the morrow, though.”
    The men arranged their bedding in front of the fire while Ciaran took first watch. He knew the path home had been too clear—well, the lad was not at fault. Ciaran would do what he must. If the boy could ride on the morrow, he would take him to the next village and ensure he received proper care. The lad was breathing heavily now and would probably sleep through the night.
    Glancing over at the dark horse, Ciaran wondered where he came from. The mount was clearly prize horseflesh. They were at least a day’s ride from the English border. Surely, the lad knew better than to steal from an English lord. All Ciaran needed right now was to have a band of men searching for their prized mount. He certainly did not want trouble. All he wanted was to return home to Glenorchy where a warm bed and Beathag welcomed him. He smiled at the thought.
    He walked over to the fire and nudged his brother. “Aiden, ’tis time.”
    Letting out a sound of displeasure, his brother rolled over. “Nay, Aisling, I need a few more moments.”
    “Aiden, get up, ye daft fool.” Ciaran nudged him again with his foot—not so friendly this time.
    “Och! God’s teeth! I am awake!” Placing his hands over his eyes, Aiden groaned.
    “Quiet or ye will wake the men.”
    Aiden rose for his turn to stand watch and Ciaran took his place, listening to the fire making popping noises well into the night. He loved to sleep under the stars—not exactly for an entire fortnight, but for a night or two. In fact, he was not even aware he had fallen asleep until sunlight beamed in his eyes. When he opened them, Seumas sat next to the boy with a troubled expression.
    “He just started to stir. I believe the pain is setting. He seems to be aware.”
    Pulling himself to his feet, Ciaran walked around the ashes of the fire and knelt beside the lad. He had seen that the youth’s injuries were severe by the firelight the past eve, but in the light of day… He gave the boy a little nudge and he cried out in pain.
    “Seumas, we have nay choice. We need to know how badly he is injured or if he can travel. Grab an arm and let us sit him up.” Supporting the lad by the upper arms, they placed him into a sitting position. “Can ye speak? Ye fell from your mount. Do ye understand?” Ciaran waited for his answer, but the boy was unresponsive.
    “Do ye think he is injured in the head?” asked Seumas with concern.
    “Nay. I have seen head injuries before,” said Ciaran, studying his bruises. “He isnae injured in the head.”
    The pain was unbearable. Was someone talking to her? Head injury? Rosalia was trying to make sense of it all. She needed a moment to compose herself. Her vision was blurry, and it felt like a dagger was stuck in her temple. She let out a moan as she lifted her hand to her head. Opening her eyes, reality started to creep back in. The last thing she remembered was… falling from Noonie. She searched around the men, the very large men, and spotted several horses tethered to a tree. Noonie was there, but who were these men?
    Someone asked her if she understood. Her eyes met his, and she could not answer because something clicked in her mind. It was him— the man from court who pitied her. She would recognize him anywhere.
    “Can ye stand?” he asked with concern.
    Rosalia did the only reasonable thing that came to mind. She nodded. The man grabbed her under the arms and attempted to pull her up. When she yelped and took a sharp intake of breath, he lowered her back to the ground.
    “Seumas, help him hold up his arms. I will remove his tunic,” the man ordered.
    Her eyes widened in panic as an even more terrifying realization washed over her. She became instantly awake, fully aware of her surroundings. What if he discovered she was a woman? This situation could end in nothing short of a
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