Tell Them I Love Them
neighbors, and you have this old grumpy, grouchy look on your face. "All I ever do is work, work, work, and nobody appreciates it."
    I know how you act because I have done that, too. When the kids come home, you think, Why don't you stay at school fourteen hours a day instead of seven?"
    Do you know that hurts God? I am not trying to make you feel bad. I am trying to get you to realize that if you can believe God loves you, you are going to begin to respond to that love, then that love will fill you up and start pouring out all over everybody else. You will be free to be a sweetheart, flowing in the fruit of kindness.
    If you will grab hold of the fact that God loves you, your healing will come forth, your prosperity will come forth and your needs will be met. Why?
    You will just start to relax.
    The main reason God can't give us most of the things He wants to give us is that we are so busy trying to get them that He can't catch us long enough to put them on us. God wants you to rest in Him and just love Him. He wants you to let Him love you and just receive.
    The devil can't stop the flow if you are a lover because if you are a lover, you are going to be a giver. You can't love and not give.
    The last part of the Scripture in Deuteronomy 7:6 AMP says, "...God has chosen you to be a special people." God has called you. Right now your main job might be in your home with your family, but God has called you. If you really want to be used by God, you can be used by God. But you have to get this foundation laid first. You have to know that God loves you.
    Don't expend all of your spiritual energy concentrating on yourself and getting your needs met. Tell God what you want simply and quickly then develop your faith to meet the needs of other people. Jesus would pray and seek the face of His Father in order to get built up to go out and meet the needs of all those people who went to his faith seminars.
    Then He would preach the Word to them, lay hands on them, and they would receive miracles.
    He was not sitting off in the corner somewhere all the time trying to believe God for things that He wanted. You need to tell God what you want, but it just needs to be a matter of fact thing. The main desire of your life, though, should be to meet the needs of other people.
    True prosperity, accurately defined, is the ability to use God's ability to meet every need that comes before you. The love of God will give you the ability to put the needs of others first. Do you think God loves you enough to make you able to reach out and love those who are not too much fun to love—the grouchy, unappreciative ones?
    It doesn't take anything to love somebody who loves you. There is no trick to that. Any old sinner can do that. But when you love the unlovable, you press in and keep loving them, and you keep loving them, and you keep loving them. Then the love of God will change them.
    It may take a year. It may take five years. It may take twenty-five years, but it is worth it. How long did Jesus wait for you?
    God loves you, and He loves all those people all around you, too. Saved or sinner, He loves them, and He wants to use you as a channel to pour out His love.
    Don't be afraid to step out. God's love is setting you free from fear and condemnation, and He has given you the ability to love. Be determined to spread God's love around. Start just being friendly with people. Make it your business to be friendly and be a blessing to people in the Body of Christ.
    Ask people over for dinner and have people come and visit you. Shake hands with people, smile. God has something for you to do. He wants to use you in ways that He can't use any other creature on this earth.
    There are people that only you could minister to. Nobody else could reach that person, but you.
    Ask God to show you ways to reach out with His love, and He will teach you.
    God loves you!
    God's Love Will Change You
    "In this is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us
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