Tell Them I Love Them
just going around operating in the love of God.
    When I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, for the first three weeks it was like I was drunk with God's love. People kept saying to me, "What is wrong with you? You are so different. I can't believe it, Joyce. What has happened to you?" These people came to me three weeks later and said, "What has happened to your life?"
    I didn't have to say one thing to convince them I had changed. They could see it. If you operate in the love of God, you are going to be smiling all the time. You are going to be beautiful. You are going to have energy and strength. You are going to be able to minister to people because you will be so charged up in the Holy Ghost all the time that any need you have is going to be met.
    Say to yourself, "God loves me. Hallelujah, God loves me. I'm His special child. God loves me!" Now go ahead—take a big leap of faith and believe it.
    God really does love you!
    Experience A New Life
    If you have never invited Jesus to be your Lord and Savior, I invite you to do so now. You can pray this prayer, and if you are really sincere about it, you will experience a new life in Christ.
    Father God, I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son, the Savior of the world. I believe He died on the cross for me, and He bore all of my sins. He paid the price for my sins. He took the punishment I deserved. I believe Jesus was resurrected from the dead and is now seated at Your right hand. I need You, Jesus. Forgive my sins, save me, come to live inside me. I want to be born again.
    Now believe Jesus is living in your heart. You are forgiven, made righteous, and you will go to heaven.
    Find a good church that's teaching God's Word and begin to grow in Christ. Nothing will change in your life without knowledge of God's Word.
    John 8:31-32 AMP says, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed. And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
    I exhort you to take hold of God's Word, plant it deep in your heart, and according to 2 Corinthians 3:18, as you look into the Word, you will be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.
    Write and let me know you have accepted Jesus, and ask for a free booklet on how to begin your new life in Christ.
    With Love,
    About the Author
    Joyce Meyer has been teaching the Word of God since 1976 and in full-time ministry since 1980. As an associate pastor at Life Christian Center in St. Louis, Missouri, she developed, coordinated and taught a weekly meeting known as "Life In The Word." After more than five years, the Lord brought it to a conclusion, directing her to establish her own ministry and call it "Life In The Word, Inc."
    Joyce's "Life In The Word" radio broadcast is heard on over 250 stations nationwide. Joyce's 30-minute "Life In The Word With Joyce Meyer" television program was released in 1993 and is broadcast throughout the United States and several foreign countries. Her teaching tapes are enjoyed internationally. She travels extensively conducting Life In The Word conferences, as well as speaking in local churches.
    Joyce and her husband, Dave, business administrator at Life In The Word, have been married for 31 years and are the parents of four children. Three are married, and their youngest son resides with them in Fenton, Missouri, a St. Louis suburb.
    Joyce believes the call on her life is to establish believers in God's Word. She says, "Jesus died to set the captives free, and far too many Christians have little or no victory in their daily lives."
    Finding herself in the same situation many years ago, and having found freedom to live in victory through applying God's Word, Joyce goes equipped to set captives free and to exchange ashes for beauty.
    Joyce has taught on emotional healing and related subjects in meetings all over the country, helping multiplied thousands. She has recorded over 160 different audio cassette albums and is the author of 20 books to help the Body of Christ on
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