Tantric Sex for Men: Making Love a Meditation
In brief, nothing is fun.
I need two to three days (at least) in order to recover, unless
I start watching movies endlessly and avoid contact with anyone.
    The rest of this man’s interesting observations appear at the end of chapter 9.
    The Power of Containment
    The containment of sexual energy is not a new idea by any means. Containment was advocated and practiced by ancient Taoists and Tantrikas thousands of years ago and was considered pivotal to enjoying a long, healthy, creative, happy life.
    Today, the majority of men (and women) never question ejaculation. With the equation ejaculation equals orgasm never being challenged, ejaculation becomes the goal of sex. It’s why we do it. Besides, we think sex without a buildup and climax can hardly amount to real sex, and so ejaculation is given a central place without consideration of the many possible negative effects. Enormous amounts of spiritual and physical energy are required to rebalance and revitalize the system—energy that would otherwise be put to better use in essential body maintenance, especially as a man gets older.
    One tablespoon of semen is unbelievably potent. The fluid contains an immense amount of proteins, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, as well as vital energies. Semen is like liquid gold. With each ejaculation a man releases around forty million sperm cells, which have the potential to reproduce that many human beings. What incredible power!
    Man unwittingly and habitually depletes his essence each time he has sex because of the prevailing idea that sex is for the pleasure of ejaculation.
    The Spiritual Aspect of Sex Energy Rises
    The creation of a human being is a miracle, yet the reproductive potential of sex is its more superficial expression. The higher, spiritual aspect of sex lies beyond the biological aspect, and this is where man differs fundamentally from his animal friends. Animal reproduction is relatively infrequent, generally limited to brief seasons, and occurs when the male of a species is attracted to specific odors emanating from the female. Sexual behavior is rarely displayed in the phases between seasons.
    However, human beings are able to make love all day, every day if it is their individual wish, so there must be more to sex than straightforward procreation. Man is able, through his consciousness, to raise his sexual expression to a higher level—one that is an evolutionary step. The containment of the life force through relaxation gives rise to stillness and a higher form of self-experience. Sexual experiences become uplifting, deeply moving, and nourishing. Further, the capacity to be relaxed in sex and avoid tension-filled climax-oriented sex gives rise to a quality of male authority and presence that is lacking today in the majority of men. (This aspect will be covered in chapter 8.)
    A man’s experience of the spiritual aspects of sex is limited because there is confusion about sex. Nature has an inherent commitment to reproduction (among all plant and animal species) and is not at all interested in states of ecstasy or fulfillment of orgasmic potential. Ejaculation, which serves nature perfectly well, also leads to a crash landing well before humans take off and start flying. The usual brevity of the sex act means that the majority of men are not experiencing the vagina as the true home and resting place of both man and penis. In a man’s lifetime inestimable amounts of time and energy are locked up into sexual fantasy and longing, but the actual amount of time a man spends with his penis inside a vagina is minimal.
    A style of superficial reproductive sex is basically not satisfying in the long term. Again and again the longing to repeat the same experience arises and can become a vicious cycle of desire and discharge. With repetition boredom easily sets in, so a man will change partners in order to keep his sex life alive.
    When the ejaculation experience is truly fulfilling there is a sense of deep
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