Tangled Dreams

Tangled Dreams Read Online Free PDF

Book: Tangled Dreams Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jennifer Anderson
eight-thirty and I was not tired at all. Making my mind up that I wanted to go outside to explore. Yearning to watch the sunset since I have arrived. Stopping briefly outside of Gavin’s door, I wondered what he was doing. Shaking my head I ran downstairs to get some fresh air. I need to get away by myself to think for a while.
    Gavin was toying with the idea of getting up to see where she was going after hearing her bedroom door shut. His curiosity further peaked when he faintly heard the front door open and close. Looking out his window, she was walking in the direction of the barn. God, what is she doing? She doesn’t know her way around a farm. She obviously isn’t thinking about the snakes and the coyotes that inhabit the tall grass and woods out there. Looking towards the direction of the sunset he knew it was going to be dark before long. Flopping back down on the bed, he figured it was her own problem.
    Walking through the tall pasture wasn’t an easy task, finally coming to a line of trees. Curious I stepped into the woods and started walking awhile watching the light through the trees throwing shadows everywhere. Coming onto a creek, I decided that this has to be the most beautiful place I had ever seen. Sitting beside the water I listened to the movement and it made me wonder if dad ever did the same thing when he was a kid. Losing myself in thought once more, I didn’t realize it was getting so dark.  Standing up and brushing myself off, I realized it was a whole lot darker than I realized. Looking around and forgetting what general direction I came from, I picked the direction I thought the house was in. After walking a couple of minutes, panic started bubbling up inside of my stomach, turning in a full circle confused.
    “Oh my god. I forgot which way to go.” I shrieked not caring I was talking to myself.
    Gavin was starting to pace in his bedroom when he hadn’t heard her come back. Now that it was almost dark he knew she should be back inside.
    “Damn it Madison. You don’t know your way around a freaking farm.” He mumbled more out of annoyance, than worry at this point. Walking to his closet and throwing on a shirt he left his room to go look for her. Walking out toward the barn, he was a little surprised when he didn’t see her on the porch. Maybe she was in with the twin’s pony.
    Just when I thought it couldn’t get any darker it did. Trying to look through the trees I didn’t even see any light from the moon. The panic becoming more urgent as time flew of out my grasp. Trying desperately not to get more and more scared by the minute. Unfortunately, every minute that ticked by felt like an hour. Jumping at every sound around me. Walking slowly, trying to feel my way through the trees coyotes started howling around me in every direction. “What am I going to do?” Muttering to myself. Knowing I hadn’t told anyone that I was going outside, now relishing in my own stupidity. The realization hitting my like a ton of bricks, tears started streaming wildly down my face. Not liking the prospect of spending the night out here.
    Gavin walked back out of the barn perplexed, looking all around him as he stood in front of the doors. “Damn woman. Where the hell did you go?” He said out loud to himself. Not as much annoyed now, as he was worried.
    “Come on Maddie. Don’t get hysterical. Just calm down. I lived in the same apartment building with people who had done jail time for all sorts of horrible crimes. I can handle being lost in the country.
    Right as I thought that, something growled somewhere beside me.
    “Who am I kidding? No I can’t.” Turning in the opposite direction of the growl I started to run . It was now so dark, I couldn’t hardly see my hand in front of my face and in a few short steps, I tripped over what felt like a tree root and fell hard to the ground.
    “Oh no. What did I do?” The sharp searing pain was undeniable as I rocked back and forth holding my ankle in
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