Beast Machine
cleaning up the now empty vials. She tossed
the useless vials into the corner of her lab with other useless
scientific runoff and trash. A trash monster surely lived in that
mess of a corner, as the stench became unbearably organic. There
wasn’t time to actively clean the laboratory when there was revenge
to be had, so Gora didn’t even think about cleaning up the rank
    “ Why does he get to ‘cook’ for an
entire day? Is that going to affect him in any way that he will be
useless to us – to the cause?” Hitbear figured this was a perfectly
legitimate question.
    “ No, no, no. Genius just
takes longer to create than a simple bear.” Gora laughed and winked
at Hitbear.
    It apparently wasn’t funny
to the massive fur ball. He scowled aggressively at Gora from
    Hitbear charged Gora and
wrapped his right paw around her throat. He growled fiercely at
her, showing his sharp teeth. “Do I look simple now?” spat Hitbear.
His saliva drenched the small brunette woman that brought him to
life. It dripped down her head, now covering her entire face –
except her eyes.
    Gora, unaffected by the
saliva mask, kneed the giant Hitbear in the stomach and sliced off
his right paw with her unusually sharp knife that was stashed in
her left pants pocket. Gora was effortless in cutting off the
bear’s paw. She wiped the bear spit off her face with the sleeve of
her shirt.
HURTS, IT HURTS!” cried Hitbear as he fell to the ground. THUD! Blood leaked from
Hitbear’s wrist and created a sizable puddle in mere
    “ Never – NEVER touch me
again, you filthy fucking animal,” replied Gora standing over the
writhing Hitbear. Her knife rested on his nose. The blade was four
inches long and made out of obsidian, but the sharp part of the
blade was a bright green and pulsing. It was pulsing as rapidly as
Hitbear’s heart.
    “ I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m
sorry – please, please. Just h-h-help me. Stop this pain and I will
fall in line. Please, please! Please, creator!” Tears of agony
spewed out of Hitbear’s eyes like geysers, mixing with the puddle
of blood. “I’ll be a good soldier, I’ll be a good soldier, I’ll be
a good soldier,” pleaded Hitbear. Gora removed her knife from his
nose and placed it back in her pocket.
    Gora tossed gauze, peroxide
and other medical supplies at Hitbear. “Fix yourself up. If you
stay loyal, and do not touch me, I will help you grow back your paw – or give you an
attachment of sorts. You have to earn it.” Gora leaned close to
Hitbear, “I am not afraid to end you.”
    Hitbear shuddered
frantically. Gora struck fear into him like no one ever had before
– the Russians, the Americans, the renegades under his command were
cupcakes compared to her. She wasn’t a large creature, but her
voice, her demeanor, her insanity made her quite intimidating, even
to a brown bear mixed with a humanoid capable of genocide. She was
    “ Thank you, thank you!”
Hitbear stitched himself up slowly and painfully over the course of
the next few hours. He knew he had overstepped his boundary and was
to toe the line; otherwise his existence would be extinguished,
once again.
    Gora sat meditatively in a
small chair during the next twenty four hours staring at her kiln
of creation. She was not going to miss this ‘birth’ with a lengthy
nap like she did with Hitbear. She would not let Owlstein become
argumentative and violent; even though she knew deep down that it
was Hitbear’s animalistic side that wanted to rip her limb from
limb more so than the human side. Or at least she hoped.
    Nonetheless, Gora began to
hash out her plans quietly in her mind. She knew that once Hitbear
and Owlstein are found out, that they may be terminated or used
against her. She needed to find a way to prevent that, or prevent
either from revealing any secrets about the Beast Machine. She
hated her constant worriment about things that may never happen.
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