Taking Charge

Taking Charge Read Online Free PDF

Book: Taking Charge Read Online Free PDF
Author: Mandy Baggot
me,” Robyn said. Her
eyes flashed.
    Eddie just continued to glare at her, still wiping at
his mouth.
    “So, did you want that water?” Robyn asked, putting a
smile on her face and picking up the pitcher.

Chapter Four
    It was good to arrive at Pam and Bob’s ranch-style
home. It hadn’t changed a bit. The American flag still hung from a
pole by the porch, Bob’s fishing boots stood on the step, and the
tubs of flowers bordering the front of the house were still in
bloom, just like they had been when she’d left.
    Once inside, there was the familiar scent of
home-cooking and the chintz decor practically enveloped you in
old-fashioned charm.
    “I made brownies. Girls, can you get changed for bed,
it’s late,” Pam ordered as everyone entered the house.
    “Oh Mom, you have to be kidding! It’s like not even
ten,” Sierra complained straight away.
    “It’s like only nine thirty! Taylor’s mom lets her
stay up ‘til eleven,” Sienna joined in, stamping her foot and
glaring at Pam.
    “Not on a school night. Shoo!” Pam said.
    “This is not fair! This is because she’s here!”
Sierra shouted, fixing Robyn with a stare.
    “Hey, leave me out of this,” Robyn begged.
    “She doesn’t have to go to bed,” Sierra
    “I’m twenty-five,” Robyn answered.
    “So?” Sierra replied, looking at her cousin with
defiance in her eyes like the Gingerbread Boy.
    “Remember what I said at the restaurant about life
expectancy? If I were you, I’d take those braids out before you
close your eyes tonight,” Robyn said, slight threat to her
    “Girls, I can hear everything you’re saying. Now you
apologize for being rude to Robyn and do as your mom tells you,”
Bob spoke sternly as he came out of the garage with Robyn’s
    Sierra let out an agitated sigh and folded her arms
across her chest.
    “Sierra, I’m warning you,” Bob threatened.
    “Oh whatever! Sor-ry!” Sierra yelled in Robyn’s
    Then the girl turned and ran up the hallway toward
the bedrooms.
    “Sienna, go and change and maybe you can have a
brownie before bed,” Pam suggested, smiling at her other
    “More sugar just before bed?” Bob raised an
    “Oh, it won’t hurt this once. Now Robyn, is there
anything I can get you? Some coffee? A brownie?” Pam asked.
    “No, honestly, I’m fine. I mean, I’m good. I think
I’ll just go to bed if that’s okay,” Robyn said.
    “Of course, honey. You’re in the guest room. You
remember where it is, don’t you?” Pam asked.
    “Yeah, thanks. Well, goodnight and thanks for the
meal and for picking me up and everything. I guess I’ll see you in
the morning,” Robyn said, gathering up her luggage and heading down
the hallway.
    “Goodnight, honey. Let me know if you need anything.
There’s a clean towel on your bed and there’s a new toothbrush and
toothpaste in the en-suite,” Pam called after her.
    Robyn entered the room, dumped her bags in the
corner, and leapt onto the big double bed. It was covered in a
thick quilt with huge floral cushions. She kicked off her tennis
shoes and lay back. There was something to be said for Pam’s
whimsical taste in decoration; it was both comforting and
comfortable. She had always felt more at home at Pam and Bob’s
house than she had in her own. Pam and Bob had spats, usually when
Pam objected to the amount of ice hockey on the television or to
Bob spending both days of the weekend fishing, but their
“discussions” had nothing on the arguments her parents used to
have. They had always started small and escalated into full scale
war. Glasses were smashed, her mother would cry, Eddie would holler
until he almost turned blue, and Robyn had hidden in the basement
until it was over.
    She closed her eyes and turned onto her side.
Childhood wasn’t something she looked back on or wished she could
repeat. Childhood was something belonging to other people that she
had missed out on and envied.
    Her stomach was so
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