A False Proposal
and held, and he felt her empathy and understanding deep in his chest, where something stirred and…and oh, hell, he had to stop this.
    Just then, Leonora floated by in the arms of a dark stranger. His blood ran cold when, after a second look, he recognized the man’s profile and the somber look on his face. Swiftly, he spun Cass so his back was to the other couple.
    “Leonora still holds quite an allure for you, I see,” Cassie said, obviously baiting him. “And she’s exceedingly wealthy now.”
    She thought he’d been staring at Leonora! What a ridiculous notion. Adam steered her toward a column and off the dance floor. Releasing her, he took a step back into a sequestered nook, forcing her to follow. “Why do you think so poorly of me, Cassie?” he demanded, leaning in close. “Is it because of that incident so long ago?” Again she flushed, but this time he was too angry to notice how it made her skin glow.
    She remained silent, although she continued to gaze steadily at him.
    “Trust me. If you had experienced disease and death and war, you would not think a meaningless dalliance in a hallway so reprehensible. And, by the way, Leonora is the last woman in the world who could hold my interest.” He noticed, for the first time ever, that Cassie’s eyes were extraordinary. Not simply brown, but brown verging on amber.
    They stared at each other, until Cass finally spoke. “Fair enough. But why were you going out of your way to ogle her just now, if that’s the case?”
    “I was not ‘ogling’ her.” He couldn’t hold back a knowing grin. “You’re jealous!”
    Cass bristled. “You flatter yourself, sir. I haven’t seen you in years and have no claim on you. Why would I be jealous?”
    “I don’t know. Because you harbor a secret love for me?” Before she could protest, he took her in his arms and waltzed her back onto the dance floor. The dance was nearing its end, and he wanted somehow to fix things.
    “Truly, Cassie, you’ve bewitched me tonight. You look splendid. Like a piece of Greek statuary.”
    “I gather you mean hard and unyielding?” She gave him a suspicious glance.
    How could she think that? “No!” Flowing and curvaceous and perfectly formed . But he dared not say it out loud, so he continued his teasing. “I worship at the altar of your beauty,” he added, widening his eyes at her and expecting a sharp retort.
    But instead, the unexpected happened. She laughed. A joyous and sweet sound, not at all like the cackle of the Incomparable. So he laughed, too, and then he pulled her close, relishing the feel of her softness against him. He hadn’t enjoyed flirting like this in years. He was probably holding her too close, beyond propriety, but he didn’t care. She stiffened a little, but didn’t pull away. After a moment, she relaxed in his arms and a tiny smile hovered at the corner of her lovely mouth. A mouth he would very much like to kiss.

Chapter Four
    He’d made her laugh. That alone was worth the agony she suffered at balls.
    And now, he held her so close she was stunned by the sheer intimacy of it. In truth, she was reveling in the feel of Adam’s body pressed against hers, the way it made her tingle. Her skin felt on fire, every nerve-ending sensitive and receptive. She feared he would realize the impropriety of it and pull away. He was no doubt wondering why she allowed it. Bentley had never held her like this when they’d waltzed; if he had, she would have been shocked and embarrassed. They’d only kissed a few times after their engagement. Of course, she’d been younger then, and more naïve. She melted into Adam’s embrace, and was vaguely aware of the smile on her lips. Cass didn’t want the dance to end, ever.
    And then suddenly, it did. They were across the room from her brother, and so she did not have to completely relinquish the thrill of having Adam near her. She set her hand on his sleeve and they began walking, skirting the dance floor to avoid
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