Taken by the Fae Lord
towel around her head and another around her
    Clicking his tongue, he removed both towels.
“I didn’t give you permission to cover yourself.”
    Her chocolate eyes narrowed, the war between
cool suspicion and heated lust driving his own desire. “Still
playing that game, huh?” she asked. “For the record, I didn’t
    She snatched the abandoned towels off the
bed, delighting him with her defiance. Another female would have
bent to his will with practiced submission, molding herself onto
his body with choreographed passion.
    “ Ah, my little human. We
are going to have so much fun together.”
    Liana wanted to step back, but refused to
allow her cowardice to control her body. The way he looked at her-
a mix of unrighteous glee and hot desire mixed with a devil’s
smile- already her pussy, still sore and abused from the previous
evening’s fucking, began to moisten. She took a deep breath,
blushing when his eyes fastened on her chest. Men were men, after
all. Fae or human. He moved towards her and she held out a hand to
stop him.
    “ Wait. I want to see the
paperwork you tricked me into signing yesterday.”
    He grabbed her wrists, tugging her to him
with enough force that she stumbled into his arms, just like in an
old romance novel. She curled her lip, craning her neck to be sure
he saw her utter lack of fear.
    “ No trick, Liana. You were
in such a hurry-”
    “ That. Is a
    “ -you simply didn’t read
it properly. Don’t interrupt me,” he warned. “I will tolerate much
from you, but you will have to learn to be respectful. My- our-
people cannot see you talk to me like this.”
    “ Maybe you should throw me
onto the reject pile. Get another application from the mile high
stack on your desk.”
    He laughed. “I don’t think so. I like
    She blinked at him, floored by the simple,
unadorned statement. “What? You don’t even know me.”
    He drew her closer. The lines of their
bodies pressed against each other, satin skin against hard flesh.
“Doesn’t it make it more exciting? Besides, I know what I need to
know. The rest time will take care of.”
    With an easy movement, he lifted her, one
arm under her buttocks, the other around her waist. Automatically
she wrapped her legs around him, gasping when her clit rubbed up
against his flesh. Backing her against the wall, he tested her
pussy with a finger.
    “ You’re so fucking wet,”
he said, teeth scraping her tilted neck. He bit down on the soft
flesh right above her collarbone, sucking, inhaling the delicate
jasmine scent of her hair. Inserted a second finger into her, moved
in her body until her juices coated him. Played with her small nub.
Her breath caught, breasts jiggling with her shudder.
    “ Yes, I noticed you like
it when I bite you, don’t you?”
    He looked up when she remained quiet, a
silent threat in his eyes. Eero knew he would have to train her.
She blinked at him, already succumbing to a fog of pleasure. She
squeaked when he pinched her buttocks, hard enough to bruise, but
not hard enough to interrupt her pleasure.
    “ Yes! God, I like it. You
arrogant bastard, you know I like it.”
    He sighed, cock aching with need. His
patience was thin. He didn’t want to take the time to correct her,
knew he set a bad precedent by allowing the small impertinence. In
punishment, he shifted her hips until the head of his cock touched
the entrance of her pussy, and in one strong stroke, sheathed
himself in her. She cried out at the invasions. This time he
refused her time to adjust, grasping her plump buttocks in both
hands and pumping into her with a speed and force that wrung
strangled cries from her throat.
    “ No, stop, I can’t… it’s
too much.”
    He ignored her pleas, altering the angle of
his hips to hit the sweet spot he knew would make her scream.
Smiled, satisfied to hear his woman’s pleasure even as her walls
convulsed around him, squeezing mercilessly. He cried out,
remaining full sheathed as
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