devour her pussy, dominate her body and
wring every last drop of pleasure from her.
Liana had never known herself to be such
a…vocal…lover, but she knew now. Her moans and cries filled the
air, combined with his growls of pleasure. She felt the pressure
build again and sobbed, unsure she could take so much. In an
involuntary move to get away, she pushed herself up onto her hands.
His arms wrapped around her waist, immobilizing her. Her breasts
swung in time to his thrusts and she was truly trapped beneath him,
unable to do anything but endure the incredible pleasure/pain. The
orgasm burst over her in a wave of ecstasy and she cried out again.
A moment later, she felt the wetness of his seed spill into her. He
thrust once, twice, third time and fully sheathed himself, grasping
her hips hard, as if he were trying to implant every last drop of
semen in her body. He shuddered, slipping out of her and she
tumbled forward onto her stomach, knees unable to hold her, utterly
Eero stopped short, eyeing Assar stretched
out on the couch, feet propped on the coffee table as he watched
the entry door. His guard glanced over, giving Eero a thorough
going over before turning his attention back to- what?
“ How long have you been
sitting there?” Eero asked, shutting the door with care so Liana
remained asleep. He didn’t want to face her ire if she discovered
they’d had an audience- if only aural.
“ Is she pregnant yet?”
Assar asked laconically.
Eero leaned against the wall, arms folded.
“It might take more than one evening. I’ve heard that around
The irony went over Assar’s head. “Cute
girl. Sure she’s the right one?”
“ Haven’t we had this
“ A blonde would at least
mask your grandmother’s blood. This one will emphasize
“ You mean a natural
blonde. They say there are none left.” Eero didn’t have the heart
for anger. Assar said nothing that his men- and even members of his
Hold- didn’t already think. Eero strode over and picked up the
glass in front of Assar, sniffing before taking a generous sip.
“Where did you get this swill? Surely I pay you enough to afford
“ I get paid?”
Eero stared into the glass of swill,
frowning. “Demoncracy. Remember? We have to pay you now.”
Assar stood, clapping Eero
hard enough on the back a lesser man would have moved- Eero
flinched not a millimeter. “Bet she’s pregnant.” Assar grinned,
wide and taunting. “Sounded like you gave a good accounting of
yourself, cousin. Oh, and it’s demo cracy.”
“ I know what I said. Get
His First Guard sauntered out of the room
after snagging the glass from Eero’s hand, quietly closing the door
behind him. Eero caught a brief look at who was on duty outside-
and how many- and shook his head. She’d be really pissed off if she
knew just how many had been listening.
He placed an order to room service, shuffled
some paperwork around, taking his time when he heard the sound of
sheets ruffling, feet padding softly across carpet and onto cold
tile. A moment later the shower started. His cock hardened. He
imagined the water slick over her golden skin, heavy breasts
lifting high as she raised her arms to lather her hair. His mood
darkened, shifted from semi-business mode back to something much
more predatory.
Eero knew his human didn’t realize the
contract she’d signed the previous evening included a lifetime
clause he could invoke at any time. Unusual, since most Fae
preferred to get their child and settle the mother in a nearby
estate, convenient but out of the way. He accepted his intention to
keep Liana- he wouldn't fight the impulse. He would keep her in his
home, in his bed. He was old enough that he knew his own mind, knew
the chemistry between them coupled with the evidence of wit and
ethics she’d shown was a rare combination, one he refused to
Eero strolled into the bedroom as Liana
exited the shower, a
Rebecca Alexander, Sascha Alper