Take Her to HeVan (Nephilim Book 6)
basket and her mouth was plowing the way. What was that her gram always said about spiders and webs of lies? Well, she hadn’t woven a web—maybe a hammock and working on the matching swing set.
    She was going to have to make notes about her lies if this were going to work , she thought. Damn, that was pathetic but since her conscience wasn’t working and her greed was in control, she was going to have to deal with it. Even though her grandfather’s attorney had disagreed with her grandfather putting the marriage stipulation in his will, it was still there and making her life even more difficult. Now it was turning her into a criminal. She hoped her grandfather was spinning in his grave.
    Having the pre-nup in place would protect the ranch when he got his memory back and asked for a divorce. After all, that was why she was doing this, right? She already regretted her deception and hoped the look of interest in his eyes didn’t turn to hatred. She tried not to feel like she was whoring herself out for her future, but let’s be honest, she was. At least he was the hottest looking guy she’d ever seen. Still, she planned to marry him fast and then put off having sex by one method or another. She couldn’t go that far, she wouldn’t do that, to either of them. She made a mental note to ask her grandfather’s attorney about divorce versus annulment and what it would mean about the will.
    Part of her wanted to rush the wedding, tell him the truth and just ask for his help. It probably wouldn’t work, her asking, but she could have tried. Damn it, her conscience was kicking in big time now, and she was realizing how pathetic she was.
    She remembered the distress signal; they’d have to get married before his rescue arrived. She wouldn’t have time to get to know him, time she didn’t have. He’s going to remember his name and leave. He doesn’t love me.
    “I’m sorry you’ve been treated so badly in the past and I’m pleased you’re willing to take another chance. This Jake you speak of didn’t deserve you. A man who would betray a woman has no honor,” he said.
    What he didn’t say was how bothered he was about not being able to remember this beautiful woman. How could anyone ever betray her?
    “I would have postponed the wedding until we could get to know each other better, except for my grandfather’s will. There isn’t time to meet someone else. I’m not going to lose this ranch because my grandfather thought women were incapable of running one! So we’re going to get married and you’re signing the pre-nup,” she snapped.
    “Whoa, there’s no need to get mad at me. I’ll sign whatever you want. You know I think women can achieve anything. Now let’s not fight,” he said with a smile, “my head hurts. How about some breakfast? I’m starved.”
    “Should you be eating if you have a concussion?” Marla asked him.
    “I don’t see why not, nothing’s wrong with my stomach,” he reasoned.
    “Alright, I’ll bring you something. I want you to stay in bed, though, you need to rest,” she said, that would also enable her to make a phone call without him hearing.
    Karlo agreed because multiple aches throughout his body were making themselves known again. Marla got up out of the chair and he got a look at her legs. His own blanket tented over his lap. Karlo tried to hide his instant arousal, he didn’t want to anger Marla or make her feel she needed to give him sex. He’d put her through enough.
    Rusty followed her out of the room. He was ready for his own breakfast. After that, he would do his rounds, making sure everything was in its proper place as Marla did the morning chores.
    As soon as Marla left the room, she ran upstairs. Going into the bathroom, she went over to the mirror. Yep, it happened every time she went to bed with wet hair. She looked like Alfalfa on a bad hair day. The only thing that would help at this point was getting it wet again. She grabbed her washcloth and wet it
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