Take Her to HeVan (Nephilim Book 6)
his eyes away from her to calm his rapidly hardening erection. Noticing the weapon leaning against the small table next to her chair, he spoke.
    “Are you planning on shooting me?” he asked, gesturing to the shotgun with one hand.
    “That depends on you, Karlo,” she said, giving him a look any man who’d ever been in trouble would have recognized.
    Karlo settled into the pillow. Karlo — it didn’t seem wrong. She knew him. Her voice flowed over him like water; he could listen to her smooth tone all day. Her voice splashed and tumbled over his senses, like listening to a stream splash and tumble over rocks. He was happy to remain just where he was. The only improvement would be if he had her lying in the bed next to him so he could touch her. His head was pounding and he knew there was an urgency riding him, as if there were something he needed to do. The more he tried to think, the harder it was to think…of anything.
    “You called me Karlo…you know me; and yet, you feel it necessary to have a gun in my presence. I’m having some trouble remembering things. What’s your name? For that matter, what’s my name? Why am I in the bed and you’re in the chair? My head hurts; what happened?” he asked, lifting a hand to his temple.
    Wait a minute, he had amnesia?
    She should have told him the truth, of course she should have told him the truth. But something took over her mouth and suddenly she was spewing a bunch of words that she should have thought through first. In that split second, the weird dream she’d been having combined with her predicament and had her blurting out a lie.
    “You’re my fiancé, Karlo Darvik. You had an accident when you showed up last night. You have a concussion; that’s why your head hurts,” she told him, amazed she actually said all that with a straight face.
    Of course, this was all her grandfather’s fault, him and his stupid will! During the night, when she was watching Karlo sleep, Marla had wished he were here for her and not because of an accident. She dismissed it because it was crazy, nuts! Who was this desperate? She was. So she had blurted out her lies and he’d fallen for them.
    Karlo was confused, “Then what’s with the gun and why aren’t you in bed with me if we’re engaged?”
    “I wasn’t expecting you; when I heard a crash, I grabbed the shotgun. I’ve been having problems here on the ranch; that’s why you were planning to take time off work early to help me out. I didn’t get in the bed for a couple of reasons. First off, ours is an arranged marriage. I need a husband on a deadline and your green card is about to expire. Then, you got hurt on the way here. I put you in Grandpa’s bed down here instead of upstairs. Finally, I also didn’t get in your bed because we’re strangers. What we have is practically a business deal. I’m not going to hop into bed with you until and unless we fall in love,” she tacked on at the end.
    Oh my, these lies were falling fast from her lips and she had no clue what she was going to do when the truth came out. She would worry about it later. For a second, she was sorry about the no sex thing; he was a truly fine specimen of manhood. After being burned by Jake the Snake, she was being extra cautious with her heart.
    “When are we getting married?” he asked.
    He could feel his body reacting to her and couldn’t wait to peel that oversized man-shirt from her body. He kept himself in check by telling himself the abstinence would be temporary.
    “We were supposed to get married last Saturday, but we put the wedding on hold until we signed the pre-nup. I need to protect my land,” she said.
    She then proceeded to relate the story of her relationship with Jake and how it had blown up. She related how her trust had been abused in the past and she was unwilling to take a second leap of faith. She was already starting to feel guilty for taking advantage of this poor man. Yep, her life was going to hell in a hand
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