Tablet of Destinies

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Book: Tablet of Destinies Read Online Free PDF
Author: Traci Harding
Noah was resolute as he closed his eyes and willed himself forth to his personal library.
    Back in the Governor’s private healing chambers, Tory had regained consciousness and was sitting up in bed, feeding her face, as happy as a clam.
    â€˜Tory!’ Maelgwn rushed to her side, having manifested nearby. He would have taken hold of one of his wife’s hands had they not both been wrapped around a sticky piece of fruit.
    â€˜Now don’t make a fuss,’ Tory cautioned him, as she slurped on her juicy morsel. ‘As you can see I am fine, and according to our good physician the babies are fine as well.’
    Praise be. He breathed a great sigh of relief and looked to the Head of the Healing Sciences on Kila, Cadfan, who nodded to confirm the Governess’ words.
    A smile graced Maelgwn’s face as he looked back to his wife. ‘So what happened?’
    â€˜I blacked out, probably from too much sun.’ Tory shrugged and then leant forward to impress on her husband: ‘It’s nothing to worry about. I promise I shall be more careful in future.’
    Maelgwn raised both brows, still not completely reassured. ‘Well, just as a precaution, I would prefer it if you found somewhere to read that is inside the city limits.’
    â€˜Oh Maelgwn,’ Tory whined. ‘I just knew you’d make an issue of this. I love my reading spot —’
    â€˜Is the solitude and pretty view really worth risking the wellbeing of our unborn children?’ he queried.
    â€˜Where is the risk?’ Tory scoffed. ‘Even if these children die in birthing, their immortality gene will kick in and resurrect them.’
    â€˜I don’t want a debate, Tory.’ Maelgwn stood, irked by her persistence and unreasonable attachment to the place.
    â€˜Now who’s acting like a pregnant woman?’ Tory commented under her breath.
    â€˜Sorry to disturb, Governor.’ Candace entered, looking happier than when last seen. ‘But the Vice-Governor is awaiting an audience in your council chambers.’
    â€˜What!’ Maelgwn was doubly concerned by this news. ‘Brian should be on the other side of the galaxy … what in the name of the universe is he doing back here?’
    Candace, still smiling with delight, merely shrugged. ‘My husband wishes to discuss the matter with you directly.’
    â€˜I see.’ Maelgwn looked back to his wife and their unfinished debate. ‘If you think my request so unreasonable, perhaps you could ask Candace if she thinks returning to your reading nook is a good idea.’
    â€˜Over my dead body.’ Candace was immediately opposed to the suggestion.
    Maelgwn smiled as he left his Head of Defence to make his wife see reason. Only another female stood a chance of winning a debate with Tory in her prenatal state of mind.
    Once Cadfan and his staff had been excused, Candace outlined to Tory the state in which she’d found her that afternoon. The Governess was completely floored by the report of her fiery celestial encounter for she remembered nothing of it.
    â€˜Have you told Maelgwn about this?’ Tory questioned, her voice hoarse with the shock of it all.
    â€˜Well, no …’ Candace raised both brows as she realised: ‘He has yet to give me the chance. I —’
    â€˜Good,’ Tory jumped in, most gratified by the fact. ‘He doesn’t need to know.’ As Candace frowned, preparing to query this, Tory became more adamant. ‘I see no need to cause him undue worry.’
    â€˜I warned you about that place.’
    â€˜And what did I tell you?’
    Candace bowed her head, not game to debate spiritual issues with the holder of the Tablet of Destinies.
    â€˜If a celestial being has touched me and my babes, then it could only have blessed us, meaning that there is no cause to be concerned by the encounter.’
    Candace raised her big brown eyes to challenge the Governess once
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