Stubborn Heart

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Book: Stubborn Heart Read Online Free PDF
Author: Ken Murphy
the four sides of the cover. The end result was a sterile work surface that covered the entire bedside table. Trevor picked up the sterile drape from the tray and placed it over Mr. Robert’s right chest area, pressing down on the adhesive strips so it would remain in place.
    Mark picked up a syringe and withdrew several milliliters of lidocaine from a vial. He squirted it into a container inside the sterile work field. Using a different syringe, Trevor withdrew the lidocaine from the container, and then began injecting small amounts of the medication into the skin near Mr. Roberts’ collarbone to numb the area. At the same time, Mark dropped more gauze pads into the sterile field.
    After taking the insertion cannula in one hand, Trevor used his other hand to flatten the area beneath the collarbone to make the skin taut. With a swift flick of his hand, he pushed the needle in at a forty-five-degree angle and was immediately rewarded with a dark-red blood return in the syringe. With quick, deft movements, he detached the syringe and replaced it with a guide wire. He threaded the guide wire into the vein and used it to guide the TLC into place. He wiped the small amount of blood from around the insertion site, then sutured the line into place. The entire process took about five minutes.
    “Nice work, Dr. Hayes!” Mark said with a slight air of humor in his voice.
    “What?” Trevor asked innocently, looking up at Mark.
    “That may well be the fastest central line insertion I have ever helped with.”
    Trevor shrugged. “Just lucky.”
    Mark used both hands to stretch a transparent bandage over the insertion site. “No, I’m thinking there was more to it than just plain luck,” Mark complimented sincerely.
    “Well, it could be because you were my good luck charm.” The sparkle in Trevor’s eyes hinted at the grin beneath his mask.
    “Pfftt, whatever.” Mark chuckled, looking away. He began cleaning up and disposing of the used supplies.
    “So was I good enough for lunch?”
    “I thought you had surgery.” Mark tossed the last of the used tray in the waste container.
    “I do.” Trevor nodded. “But I’ll only need to be there for about an hour. There’s no reason for me to wait around while the residents finish sewing up the incision. I could be ready about twelve thirty if that would work for you.”
    “That time works fine for me, but we might have to eat in the conference room if the unit is too busy.”
    “It doesn’t matter to me,” Trevor said as he walked out of the room. “See you at twelve thirty.”
    A S LUCK would have it, the unit was not busy when Trevor returned, and Mark was able to get away for lunch. They purchased sandwiches and chose a quiet corner booth away from the main cafeteria. Talk was mostly Mark asking questions. He learned that Trevor was the youngest of three children and the only male sibling. Both sisters were already practicing physicians, one in cardiology and the other, internal medicine. His father was also a surgeon, and his mother a nurse. His parents and both sisters lived in or near Boise, Idaho. Both sisters had married physicians, as well. Camille, the oldest sister, had three children, twin four-year-old boys and another son who had just turned six months old. Sarah, the youngest sister, had two boys, one five years old and the other eight months.
    “That’s enough about my family,” Trevor said with a smile as he leaned back against the bench, clasping both hands behind his head. “What about your family?”
    “Party of one, I’m afraid.” Mark shrugged. “As I mentioned before, my mom died when I was thirteen. My dad never remarried. He had a heart attack and died four years ago. I have some uncles, aunts, and cousins out west, but I’ve never met any of them. My parents moved to Atlanta right after they got married. They never really talked about the rest of the family much, but I think their parents didn’t approve of them getting
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