bring Phillip to play with Robyn after school.”
“I don’t know about this,” said her mother. “Especially involving Phillip. What if the nanny suspects something?”
“I know,” Jessie said. “But I’ll be careful and if I get worried, we’ll just leave the house. And don’t forget, Tina will be there. Besides, I don’t think the nanny will do anything bad with Robyn around.”
“It’ll be all right,” said her dad. “I think it sounds like a good plan. It’s the only way to make sure that these are the people on the monitor. And the police need solid evidence. Also, there’s no need to upset the Marshalls yet.”
Her mother looked tired and worried. “So… I stay here and listen to the monitor?” said her mom.
Jessie knew from that remark that her mother would go along with the plan. She felt relieved. And scared.
“Now, Jess,” said her dad, “you do understand that you must leave the Marshalls’ at the first sign of trouble?”
He was coming on strong, now that her mother had basically agreed. Jessie figured he felt responsible for reassuring her mom. “I promise,” she said.
* * *
Jessie was dressed and ready for school by seven the next morning. She fastened a black band at the end of her long braid while she held the phone between her chin and shoulder. She wore thick black tights, a black turtleneck tunic and fleece-lined boots. In this outfit she could be warm and run fast.
“Mrs. Marshall? This is Jessie Hanson.” She held the receiver tight and tried to sound casual. “Could I bring Phillip to play with Robyn after school today?” She listened. “Great! Phillip will love it. Oh… Tina Adams is coming too. She’s practicing babysitting.”
Jessie laughed. “We’ll be there around three thirty. Thanks. Bye.”
Her mother was watching her from the kitchen doorway. “So, is it okay?”
Jessie put her arms around her mom’s waist and rested her head on her shoulder. “So far, it’s working.” Her mother hugged her close.
She thought the school day would never end. Tina’s face looked pale against her shiny black hair. Jessie could tell that Tina was worried. Every time Jessie looked at Tina, she felt a knot in her stomach. Maybe Tina wasn’t up to this plan. Maybe it was too much on top of her mother having the baby and all.
The school bell rang. They ran from the building, still zipping up their jackets.
“I’ll get Phillip and meet you at Marshalls’ corner in fifteen minutes.”
“Right,” said Tina. “I’ll check on my mom and make sure she hasn’t gone to the hospital.”
When Jessie got to Willow Lane, she could see her mother waiting on the front porch with Phillip. He wasn’t wearing his bulky snowsuit. Instead he wore navy leggings and a lightweight windbreaker over a red wool sweater. A ski cap covered his hair and he had on his red boots, as always. Mom must be thinking like me, thought Jessie. Dress light for running. She felt her stomach tighten.
Jessie and Phillip hurried to meet Tina. Phillip was excited to be going to Robyn’s and chattered non-stop.
At the corner, they met Tina and walked to the Marshall mansion.
“My mom has the Marshalls’ telephone number. They’ll call if the baby’s coming.”
“I hope it doesn’t happen in the next two hours. I’d hate to be there all alone,” said Jessie.
Jessie rang the doorbell. The same tall woman from yesterday answered the door. She wore a brown and yellow print dress with a shapeless white apron over it. Robyn hid behind the nanny’s skirt and peeked around at Phillip. She looked like a doll in a tiny blue checked dress with red trim and blue tights. A red ribbon was tied in a bow on top of her curly dark hair.
“So. You come to play with Robyn? My name is Lena. Tell me your names.”
She seems friendly, Jessie thought. I wonder where her boyfriend is.
“I’m Jessie and this is Tina. That’s my brother, Phillip. Is Mrs. Marshall home?”
“Nein, nein, she is