Strangers in the Lane

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Book: Strangers in the Lane Read Online Free PDF
Author: Virginia Rose Richter
Tags: Childrens
move anymore.”
    Jessie thought Tina’s mom was awfully big. Maybe the baby was late in coming. “We can hardly wait for the baby,” she said.
    Tina led Jessie to her bedroom and closed the door.
    Jessie pulled off her gloves. “I went to the Marshalls’ and I’m almost positive their nanny is the voice on the monitor. It sounds like the same accent.”
    “What? A nanny?” Tina was quiet for a moment. “You know. It makes perfect sense.”
    “I only have a minute. I told my mom everything.” Jessie was rushing her words. “I had to. I heard the voices again on the monitor. They’re going to rob someone on Thursday. This is Monday. We went to the police and they won’t help unless we know more.” Jessie paused, breathless.
    “Boy, you’ve been busy.” Tina plopped into the chair by her desk. “What should we do ?”
    “Here’s the plan. In the morning, I’ll call Carol Marshall and ask if we can bring Phillip over after school—so he can play with Robyn. Then we’ll get into Robyn’s bedroom and talk and my mom can listen at home to see if she hears us on the baby monitor.” Jessie started to put on her gloves. “That way we’ll know the voices are coming from the Marshalls’ and we can tell the police.”
    Tina stood. “I’m impressed. When did you think all this up and what’re you doing here with Bryce? Does he know about the monitor deal?”
    “One thing at a time, Tina.” Jessie zipped up her parka. “No, Bryce knows nothing. He saw me fall on the ice and took pity on me and rode me over here. I’m sure he thinks I’m a total zero.” She tugged her long braid out of the collar of her jacket. “Every time he sees me, I’m doing something stupid. Now he can compare me to the perfect girl, Cami Falkenborg.”
    Tina laughed. “You’re jealous! You should look at yourself in the mirror. You can compete with Cami anytime.”
    “Oh, sure”, Jessie said. “Anyway, I have to get home. I’ll set this up with Mrs. Marshall and Mom.”
    Jessie started to open the door, but then stopped and looked at Tina. “I’m counting on you to go with me to the Marshalls’ tomorrow. Promise?”
    “The only thing that would keep me from going is if Mom has the baby,” said Tina.
    They went back to the living room. When Bryce saw Jessie, he stood to leave. “Thanks, Cami,” he said. “This will help me out a lot! I’ll see you Saturday morning at the school auditorium. Bye, Tina. Bye, Mrs. Adams.”
    Jessie felt hot. She was stunned to hear him making a date with Cami. She walked outside in a daze and climbed back up on his bike.
    They started off. Thin stripes of pink and blue lined the horizon across the flat land. Stars were coming out.
    “Cami’s going to accompany me when I play my violin at the museum opening next month,” Bryce told her as they rode down the street. “We’re getting together to practice Saturday.”
    Well, thought Jessie, it could be worse. Of course Cami played the piano. She could also sing and dance. I should have listened when Mom tried to get me to take music lessons.
    “That’s nice of her,” said Jessie. It was nice of Cami. She was actually a nice person. Darn.
    Jessie forgot about Cami. She forgot about the baby monitor. She just breathed in the moment—being close to Bryce on the bike and watching the sunset.
    Bryce let her off in front of her house and she thanked him. He looked at her for a minute, a serious look. “You know, Jessie, I can tell something’s wrong. I’ll help you anytime.” He started to ride off. “Think about it.”
    She watched as he rode into his driveway across Willow Lane. Farley, the sheepdog, jumped out from the bushes and ran barking alongside the bike. Then boy and dog disappeared into the shadows.

    Jessie sat with her parents at the kitchen table. Phillip was asleep and the baby monitor was on the counter.
    “Here’s the plan,” she said. “I’ll call Carol Marshall in the morning and ask if I can
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