Spirit Horses

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Book: Spirit Horses Read Online Free PDF
Author: Alan Evans
within sight of the barn, they could
see Tina was waiting for her turn on the mare. Before they rode too close,
Shane spoke, “Let’s not say anything to Tina about our conversation. I think
she’s a little too young to understand about Sloppy still wanting to be a wild
    “No problem, Dad. I won’t say anything.” Jacob
hardly had time to get off Sloppy before Tina was trying to climb on her. The
mustang stood patiently while the girl settled herself in the saddle. Tina rode
her off at a trot for a short trip around the field.
    “You sure are riding like an old pro!” Shane
hollered. Tina smiled from ear to ear at the compliment.
    Late spring had now given way to the heat of mid-summer. By now the hot
days were taking their toll on everyone at the farm. Shane and Terry always
lost a little weight and looked a bit more worn during this time every year.
The horses in training were also starting to show the strain. The two men had
to be careful not to overwork them in the high temperatures.
    The heat and humidity of summer eventually turned
into the drier, cooler air of fall, which was a change both horses and trainers
were glad had finally arrived.
    One afternoon while the two men were taking a much
needed breather, Shane spoke to Terry about something that had been on his
mind. “You know, Terry, you’ve turned out to be a damn good trainer. I’ve
taught you about all I feel I can. I think you’re ready to start your own
    “Whoa, boss, you trying to run me off?” Terry joked.
    Shane grinned, “I’d be glad to send you some of my
overflow, so you’ll have money coming in while you build up your own client
    Terry shook Shane’s hand in gratitude. “I appreciate
the opportunity but, for the time being, I’d be more content to stay here with
you and learn. Just knowing I’ll have your support when that day does come
means a lot.”
    Shane responded sincerely, “Well, you know I’ll do
all I can for you.”

    With the nice fall weather, Jacob and Tina continued riding almost
every day. Jacob was now ten years old, and Tina would be eight in a couple of
months. Sloppy looked forward to the time she spent with the kids. It seemed
they had become kind of a surrogate herd for her because she always perked up
when they were around.
    Soon it was the start of December 1998, which also
meant Christmas was sneaking up on Shane and Jen fast. This was always a
favorite time of the year for their family, especially since the kids had
gotten old enough to really get pumped up about it. Shane had been an only
child, and both of his parents had passed away. However, Jen’s mother, Helen,
from Florida, and her younger sister, Abby, who lived only about forty miles
away, spent Christmas with them every year.
    December twenty-third came on a Friday this year,
and Terry seemed to be in a holiday mood while he saddled up the last horse of
the day.   Shane took the horse’s reins
from Terry, smiling as he handed him an envelope. “Here you go, my friend.” The
hefty Christmas bonus was expected, but in no way taken for granted.
    “Thanks, boss, this check always pays for our trip
to my folks for the week.”
    “Glad to do it, Terry, you deserve every penny. You
and Beth Ann enjoy your time away with the baby.” A minute later Shane looked
over at him from the horse as he tightened up the saddle’s cinch for his ride.
“Why don’t you go ahead and take off? I know you’ve got a long drive ahead of
you. I’ll finish up around here.”
    He could still hear Terry’s pickup pulling out of
the driveway when Jacob and Tina came bounding in the barn full of excitement.
The young horse he was holding spooked and jumped backwards. “Hey, easy guys,
you know better than to run in the barn like that!” Shane scolded.
    The two had just returned home from the last day of
before a fourteen-day recess, so they were bursting at the seams with
    Jacob cringed, “Sorry, Dad,
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