Spirit Horses

Spirit Horses Read Online Free PDF

Book: Spirit Horses Read Online Free PDF
Author: Alan Evans
he felt good about at least considering
the mare. Gray in color, she was pretty if you looked beyond her filthy,
unkempt coat. Standing at 14.3 hands, she was small enough for the kids, but
still large enough for Shane to ride when he put in the many hours of training
she would need over the next year. The horse had no real monetary value, but
Shane and Jen liked the idea of saving her, and figured they could afford to
give her a chance.
    Shane sat in the golf cart, then Jacob started
driving toward the house. “So, what do you think, Dad, will she be a good horse
for Tina and me?”
    “I don’t know, son. All I can do is put in a lot of
time with her and hope for the best. Even if she doesn’t make a good horse for
you two, I’ll still keep my word to Mrs. Erickson to find her a good home. At
least she won’t end up as meat in a can of dog food.”
    “I think she’ll make a fine horse,” Jacob said
    Chapter 3
    The farm and family thrived over the next year. Terry was a dad now,
and had adjusted well to the job of changing diapers.
    Shane and Jen bought him a joke gift at a novelty
store�—�A fake gas mask that read across the forehead, New Dad’s Survival Kit . Terry laughed
when he unwrapped the thing, and claimed he really did use it while changing
the baby. He said he enjoyed seeing the
disgusted expressions on his wife, Beth Ann’s, face.  
    Jacob and Tina had really grown, and the mustang
mare was
accepting training well. She seemed to look forward to her work, and had become
very relaxed around the kids. The name Sloppy had stuck to her, so now she
responded to it affectionately. By this time, Shane was starting to put Jacob
and Tina on her, and she carried them around with confidence.
    It was a warm Saturday morning when Shane took Jacob
on a long trail ride through the plush, green hills and woods surrounding the
farm. He was on a client’s horse while Jacob rode the mustang.
    “Hey, Dad, I know Sloppy’s doing real good with her
training, but have you noticed how she stands in her paddock with her head down
    “Yeah, I’ve noticed,” Shane replied. He was
impressed that the now nine-year-old Jacob had picked up on this aspect of the
mare’s behavior. “What do you make of that?” he asked the boy.
    “I think that even though she really likes us she
still misses her old herd.”
    “I’ve got a feeling you’re right about that. She was
born and raised a wild horse and nothing can take that out of her. She’s very
trainable and getting real broke for you guys, but I can tell she still thinks
about running free.”
    Jacob was silent for a while. After they rode a
little farther along the trail, he asked, “You think one day we could take her
back and set her free with her wild herd? I sure would miss her, but I know she
would be happier there.”
    Shane felt a sense of pride as he looked at his
little boy who wanted to see his horse content, even if it meant losing her.
“Maybe when you kids outgrow her in a few years, we’ll plan a trip and see if
we can find this herd. Then we could put her back where she really belongs.”
    Jacob became quiet, and Shane could tell his young
son was trying hard not to give into his emotions as he thought about the idea
of not having the mare around.
    “You know, buddy, it will be a long time before you
two outgrow Sloppy. If we do take her back out west someday, I know it will make
all of us feel real good. So let’s just enjoy having her at the farm for the
time being and not worry about setting her free right now.”
    Jacob remained deep in thought as they rode along at
a slow walk. A few minutes later he looked down at Sloppy and patted her
affectionately on the neck. That’s when he promised, “Sloppy, some day we’re
going to take you back to your old herd. I bet that will make you real happy,
won’t it, girl?” Shane smiled as the two of them moved their horses into a trot
and headed home.
    When they came
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