Speed Demon

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    “Who was that?” Curiosity killed the cat and Kenzie Sutcliffe. I couldn’t help myself.
    Of course it was Amber. His girlfriend. Homecoming queen to his king. Head cheerleader. Ruler of all things pink and gold. Rich, pretty, owned a car to go along with her license . . . Need I go on?
    Not that I cared. “Tell her I said hi.”
    The way he said it told me he wasn’t going to say anything to Amber about me at all, and the truth was, why would he? Amber could care less whether or not I greeted her, which just showed I had better manners. She made me feel petty and jealous and disgusted with myself for feeling same said pettiness and jealousy, but at least I could put that aside and say hello. Point for Kenzie’s maturity.
    Levi laughed at something Amber had texted him while I stared at my computer screen, the points of the pentagram blurring together.
    “She’s at the soccer game.”
    I sat up straight. “What soccer game?”
    “The traveling team Adam’s on. They’re playing in Hampton Heights.”
    I knew exactly where they were playing because Adam had asked me to come to the game, but I had to say no due to my grounding and my afternoon voice lessons at the theater. “Why is Amber there?”
    “Because a lot of our friends are on the team.” He wasn’t looking at me, but was staring at his phone while his fingers moved lightning speed.
    “Why aren’t you there?”
    Levi glanced up and smiled. “I’m keeping you company.”
    I wanted to believe him, I really did. But I couldn’t help but be suspicious. Given that Levi always had a goal, I couldn’t help but think he wasn’t just hanging out with me out of the kindness of his demonic heart.
    “Why don’t you try out for the traveling team?” Levi was a newfound star on the West Shore High soccer team. He could defy the laws of gravity with his hang time in the air.
    “Those private teams are seriously expensive. I don’t have any money.” He shrugged, like it didn’t matter.
    “Oh.” I had never thought about the fact that Levi had no income. He seemed to have a decent collection of clothes, a cell phone, an iPod. I guess I’d never bothered to wonder where his spending money came from. It seemed rude to ask him. But when had that ever stopped me with Levi?
    “Where do you get any money?”
    “Demon bank. But I can only withdraw limited funds.” Levi didn’t sound particularly interested in the conversation, his fingers still moving on his cell. “Hey, Amber says Adam just scored a goal. She’s cheering for him.”
    That made me forget all about money and the bizarreness of a demon bank, which sounded way too like a sperm bank for my personal comfort. Amber’s cheering for Adam—what did that mean exactly? I felt a nervous sweat breaking out in gross places. I was at home with Levi and we had kissed. Amber was at the soccer game with Adam, cheering him on. That was all sorts of wrong. We needed to do a little body shuffling and get everything back on track. To normal. Levi and Amber, Kenzie and Adam. That was the way it was supposed to be. I was never all that thrilled about Levi hooking up with Amber, but if Amber was with Levi, then Amber couldn’t be making the moves on my Adam.
    So I blurted out, “Don’t tell Amber you kissed me.”
    That got his attention. He looked up at me, astonished. “Why the hell would I tell her that?”
    “I don’t know. But just don’t. Ever. For any reason.” I slapped my hand on the desk, just in case it wasn’t totally clear that I was saying Don’t do it .
    “Yeah, like I’m totally stupid. Please. I’m not going to say anything. And it was a mutual thing, by the way.”
    “What do you mean?” I chewed the pink tips of my dark hair, worried. Bad enough if Adam found out from me, but if Amber told him? Ugh. That scene was too nauseating to think about.
    “We kissed each other,” Levi clarified. “I didn’t kiss you.”
    Excuse me? “Yes, you did!”
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