Speed Demon

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was of no help whatsoever. I couldn’t find any sites that gave step-by-step instructions on how a teenage demon slayer could close an open air portal. If I ever figured it out on my own, I was posting that info online, with sources sited, for other slayers to use. No one else should have to wade through mud the way I was.
    I did a little pentagram research and got freaked out. And that was just reading the trigonometric values and the golden ratio descriptions and formulas. I had no idea I was actually going to stumble across math, my least favorite subject after Levi’s driver’s license.
    Satanism was almost as scary as the math section. I read out loud, “The Hebrew name Leviathan is often inscribed in the pentagram.”
    Nice. That just happened to be Levi’s full name, thank you very freaking much.
    I sent him a text message.
    Come to my room. Now.
    I knew he was somewhere in the house, but I was too busy staring at pictures of goats impaled with pentagrams to bother getting up and finding him. Who knew goats could look so evil? I’d never look at cheese the same way again.
    Grabbing a notebook out of my desk drawer, I flipped it open to a clean piece of paper and drew a really lame aerial of my house, roof off. I was thinking that if the bathroom was the tip of the pentagram, I really should figure out where all five portals were supposed to be.
    On another piece of paper, I drew a pentagram and cut it out. No place mat crafts for me, thank you very much. I was building a model of the top of the demonic correctional facility for demons of envy. Just a typical Saturday.
    Spinning the paper around to align the tip with my bathroom, I didn’t like what I saw.
    Levi appeared in my doorway, hands in his front pockets. “Are you flirting with me?” he asked. “Because if you are, I have to warn you, your mom is still downstairs.”
    That earned him an eye roll. “Hardly. If I was flirting, which I wouldn’t be, I would be more charming.”
    “Would you?” He made like that totally surprised him.
    I was annoyed but decided to drop it in the interest of conducting business and getting him out of my room faster. “Look at this. If I’m looking at this right, then the points of the pentagram are my bathroom, the kitchen, Zoe’s room, my parent’s room, and the family room. A portal in Zoe’s room is not cool, Levi.”
    “Well, no worries.” Levi took the paper with the pentagram and spun it. “You have to have the two tips pointing northward, and the other three down toward hell, where the fallen angels live. That means Zoe’s room does not have a portal in it, so it’s all good.”
    “All good” was pushing it, but I was relieved. I didn’t want Zoe possessed by a demon. She already had her moments of Satanism.
    “So that means the bathroom and the kitchen,” I said, studying the paper. “Maybe the family room . . . it’s kind of hard to tell on that one. Brandon’s room, which is okay, I guess, since you’re staying there. And . . .” I stopped talking. Squinted. Tried to maneuver the paper a little.
    “Your room,” Levi said cheerfully. “That makes sense.”
    Yikes. My room? I didn’t want my baby sister possessed, but I didn’t want some demon popping out of my closet while I was sleeping either. “Why does that make sense?”
    “Because—” Levi cleared his throat and spun the paper around. For an otherworldly creature, he sucked at lying. “You know, because that’s the way the pentagram works.”
    “What are you not telling me?” I snatched the paper out of his hand and set it down next to my Hello Kitty mouse pad. “I could use a little help here.”
    “Nothing. I’ve told you everything I can.”
    There was the problem. Can was that little tag on the end of his sentence that meant I knew squat and he wasn’t going to enlighten me anytime soon.
    His cell phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out to check a text message.
    I wasn’t going to ask. Wasn’t going to ask .
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