Sons of Amber
mouth as he raised her. With a playful snarl, he nipped at her heavy breasts, catching the nipples between his lips. He drew lightly on the tips, then harder as she began to shiver with excitement. He spent some time playing with her breasts while she squirmed over him, straddling his lean hips, placing her knees on either side as her dress bunched around her waist and hips.
    His hands moved lower to pull up her dress. He pushed aside her panties and squeezed the globes of her ass in both hands while he continued to suck on her nipples in turn. Tugging her down, he pressed his engorged cock up into her folds, only the material of his pants between them now.
    "We've lifted your data from the beam and I'm looking through it now," Michael's voice came back over the comm. She looked back to see the man's face on the vid pickup, glad the vid was in receive mode rather than send mode as Zeke let go of her and raised up on his elbows so he could see the last of his brother's message.
    "The battleship Regulus should reach you first. They're closest. We'll upload your data to the other battleships as well. Holy shit, Zeke." Mike's face on the vid screen 15

    showed him reading a smaller screen at his side. She guessed that one was probably scrolling the data Zeke had transmitted. "I knew you Riskers were all a little crazy, but you ran into a lot more than you bargained for if what I'm seeing in your data stream about the enemy force is accurate. I'm amazed you made it, but then you've always led a charmed life." On the screen, Michael looked up and smiled. He has a beautiful smile , she thought absently, one that invited a woman closer, though his chiseled features laid down the law about who would be in charge.
    "I'm authorizing full deployment on this. If you really have found yourself a colony of uninfected humans, their protection will be our highest priority. Please reassure them of that and lay some groundwork for us. If that pretty girl on your lap is any indication, they seem to like you." The dark man chuckled wryly. "We'll be there as soon as possible. Hold on 'til then, brother, and be well. I won't expect a reply. We see your charts and the planet you're on will be occluded shortly. Stay safe. Over." 16

    Zeke watched the transmission sputter out as the heavens shifted and the beam was lost. He turned back to the warm, willing woman on his lap. At least, he hoped he was reading her right and she was as willing as he to explore the passion between them. He tightened his arms around her as his eyes met hers.
    "Do you want this, my angel? Will you let me make love to you?"
    He paused, holding his breath. Never before had a woman's answer to that question meant so much to him. His angel was special in every way. He wanted her and wanted to please her in return. While he always made it a point to give satisfaction to his bed partners, his angel deserved so much more. He would give her everything he was, ecstasy beyond anything she had ever known before, and he knew somehow he would achieve the same—but only in the arms of this small woman, his angel.
    Angela surprised him by pushing his chest back until he was reclining on the pilot's couch. She moved down until her warm breath was pulsing softly over the bulge at his crotch. Zeke groaned as her hands traced the length of him under his pants.
    "The question should be, will you let me pleasure you, Son of Amber?"
    Her soft voice was temptation itself.
    "When you ask so nicely, how could I refuse?"
    His eyes danced as he grinned at her, but soft moans came from his throat a moment later when Angela used her delicate little hands to unfasten his pants and release his straining member. She laughed as his hard cock popped free of the confining material and sought her attention. A moment later, she licked him, stroking him with her tongue. Her shy, yet bold touch affected him like nothing else in the universe.
    She took him down deep and hollowed out her cheeks, sucking hard,
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