Sodom and Detroit
could come up
with. Obviously giving an alien a BJ was Carla’s idea of a good
time. Weird. Then again, who was she to judge considering her
fantasy revolved around her man and an entire harem of women
watching her get it on with another woman?
    “Would you like it to be an open or closed
    “What’s the difference?”
    “Open fantasies are advertised, and other guests can
sign on to join in on your fantasy. In your case, we would be
looking for a sheik and a harem girl. You still choose what they
look like, but there is an actual person interacting with you.”
Carla clicked through the screen on the computer. “Closed you would
be working totally with the computer’s AI characters.”
    Maeve debated this and clenched her thighs as her
pussy ached. “Open fantasy, please.” Feeling bold, she added, “And
I would like a petite Asian woman as my harem girl.” She’d rather
have her fantasy be occupied by living people than dream creations
for once.
    “Any preference for the male?”
    “Dark eyes, full lips, and”—she blushed and twisted
her hands together—“and a thick cock please. I like girth more than
    “Got it.” Carla’s eyes moved rapidly back and forth
as she looked at the screen. “My, your fantasy is popular. It got
snatched up right away by two different guests.”
    “Who took it?”
    “I can’t say, but they are both experienced. You’re
the only one with a novice rating. They are both adepts, which
means they have used our VR system before and are popular with the
other guests. Perfect for your first time.” Carla grabbed a handful
of wires from a box over the desk and slid Maeve’s heels off. She
didn’t bat an eye as Maeve’s skirt rode up to reveal her sassy
little panties, then helped her lie back in the pod.
    Maeve’s heart thrummed in her chest, and she wiped
her damp palms against her dress. This was so out of the norm for
her. Truth be told, she hadn’t been this excited in ages. It made
her feel almost as alive as the high she got from pulling a failing
business back from the brink of ruin and reworking it into a
successful moneymaker.
    Carla glanced at the heart rate monitor and said,
“I’m going to close the top and put some music on for you. All you
have to do is relax while I finish your program.” Maeve tried to
smile, and Carla continued, “If at any time you want out, just say
the word ‘pizzariffic.’”
    “Pizzariffic?” Maeve asked and scrunched her nose at
the cold jelly sensation of the electrodes being placed on her
    “It will boot you out of the program.” Carla
smoothed the last pad on Maeve’s chest. “I have yet to have someone
accidentally use that word in a fantasy.”
    Before Carla lowered the top, she gave Maeve’s hand
a squeeze. “Remember, once inside the fantasy, you need to stay in
character. You’re going to have a wonderful time.”
    The lid slid shut with a pneumatic hiss , and
Maeve rubbed her legs against the silk sheets. A soft strain of
classical music filled the air from the speakers by her head, and
she closed her eyes. The air smelled faintly of the tang of ozone
and her perfume. She drifted in the darkness, trying to identify
the exotic instruments of the music.
    “Mistress, wake up!” a soft feminine voice said.
    Maeve opened her eyes and gasped. She reclined in
the middle of a sumptuous sunlit room filled with exquisite women
reclining on silken pillows or low jewel toned couches. The walls
and floor were white marble chased by complex patterns done in blue
lapis and pink coral. The scent of jasmine hung heavy in the air,
and stout eunuchs guarded giant the brass-bound doors leading out
into the rest of the palace.
    She looked down and smiled in delight. A tight white
jacket with gold embroidery opened over a bold bikini top that
barely contained her breasts. Her pants were nothing more than
strips of sheer golden cloth that revealed more than they
concealed. There was even a little
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