Skye Morrison Vampire 2 Sins of the Father
I glanced up at the second floor; there was no one else
in sight. I groaned inwardly, squared my shoulders, and walked up
to Aoife.
    “Good evening, Aoife,” I said with a smile,
sitting down on one of the swivel barstools. She and I may not care
for each other, but there was no cause to be rude. “How are you
    She slowly peeled her eyes away from the
garnishes that she was preparing and glared at me. “What’s it to
you?” she growled lowly.
    I shook my head and crossed my arms over my
chest. “What’s your deal, Aoife?” I asked, irritated at her
constant negative attitude toward me. “I’ve never done anything to
you. Why do you hate me so much?”
    She scoffed and slammed the sharp paring
knife down on the cutting board. “What’s my deal, human?” she
screeched with hatred. “You are my ‘deal’.” She put her hands down
on the counter and splayed her fingers apart as she leaned in
closer to me. “I don’t like you Skye. I see right through you and
your pathetic little game. Archer is too dumb to see it, but I’m
not. The way you have him wrapped around your finger is
disgusting,” she spat. She lifted one long, manicured fingernail
and jammed it in my direction. “You had better wise up, child, and
stay the hell away from me and my man. I was around long before you
and I’ll be around long after you’re dead.”
    I stood up and put my hands on my hips. “What
the hell are you even talking about?” I asked her angrily. “I’m not
playing any games here, Aoife. And I’m not after your man.”
    “I smelled you in his bed!” she yelled, her
eyes immediately draining of their gorgeous crystal blue color.
    I took a step back and shook my head. “You’ve
got the wrong idea Aoife,” I said lowering my voice and calming my
tone. She was obviously pissed and I didn’t want to be on the
receiving end of her anger any longer. Vampires are positively
terrifying when they’re angry. “I spent the night because Archer
and Jameson made me. I was too drunk to drive home one night last
week. Nothing happened.” Something did happen that night, but I
wasn’t about to be the one to tell her that. Archer and I made out
on the dance floor that night. It was the same night that I had
found out they were vampires…and it was the same night I hurt
    “Lie!” she screeched louder. “You can’t lie
to me, human. I can tell when you are being truthful and when you
are being a filthy little liar!”
    I backed up even further and put my hands up
in surrender. Oh hell. I’m really in deep shit now. Where the
hell is everyone , I thought in a panic and looked around
quickly, not wanting to take my eyes off of Aoife for more than a
couple of seconds at a time. I didn’t know how she knew I was
lying, but she did. “Okay, I’m sorry I lied. Honestly. It was just
a kiss earlier that night. It didn’t mean anything to me, I
    Her eyes, aside from her tiny black pupils,
had turned completely white. She jumped up to stand on top of the
bar in one quick flash and stared down at me, her fingers arched
like claws. “Lie!” she snarled as she hopped down over the
barstools and took another step toward me.
    My eyes were so wide I thought they’d pop out
of my skull. I took a few more steps back and continued to hold my
hands out in front of me. “Okay, Aoife, okay. It meant something to
me at the time, but it doesn’t mean anything now,” I quickly
explained. My chest heaved and I worried I was going to
hyperventilate. I was good and panicked right at that moment. “I
saw you kissing Archer the other day. I now know you’re together. I
didn’t before. I swear to you Aoife, I won’t touch him again.”
    She growled lowly and studied me for a few
moments, her head cocked to the side. “Truth,” she finally said. I
blew out the breath I hadn’t realized I was holding and clutched my
chest with both hands. This bitch was going to give me a heart
attack if she didn’t back up
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