Lucy Surrenders
Anna said, knowing that Lucy was in a state of denial about her future, and the quicker she came to the realization of what was expected of her, the easier life would be for everyone.  "I suggest you answer me properly and quickly before I decide a trip across my knees is how you need to start your day."
    Lucy trembled as she shook her head harder.  "No ... no, Ma'am," she stammered as the tawse once more smacked against the housekeeper's thigh. Anna nodded her head and used the tawse to indicate what she expected.
    "I'm pleased to hear that, little one.  Remove the towel and allow Molly to dress you," Anna instructed, and did not return the tawse to her pocket until Lucy very reluctantly released her death grip on her towel and managed to shuffle forward towards the bed.  Anna nodded and kept her eyes on the two girls as Lucy was dressed. 
    Lucy continued to sniffle and wipe at the tears on her cheeks as she stepped into the drawers and felt them drawn up over her bottom.   When she had been summoned by Lucas that morning and instructed on the clothing Lucy would be expected to wear, Anna had been very pleased.  Anna understood it would be a shock to Lucille, but she also knew that by immediately requiring his bride-to-be to begin her new role, Lucy would not suffer the confusion that her own twin had.  Louisa had come into her own marriage and was immediately dressed far beneath her age but found her status had changed when the girls lost their parents, and Lucille came to live at Wintercrest.  Though Louisa was now back in appropriate clothing as far as Anna was concerned, the poor little thing had been allowed to dress far more modern until the twins had gotten into severe trouble having been caught cheating at their former school.  Once Edward had brought the naughty girls back to the manor and gave them each a tremendous birching, Louisa's proper lifestyle had been revealed to her twin and Louisa had been returned to her childish attire.  Anna thought about all the changes that would soon occur in Lucille's life.  Changes in her wardrobe would be the least of her concerns; changes in her attitude and her need to accept her husband's commands were far more important lessons for the young woman to learn.  She had grown accustomed to her first change of wardrobe, and she would soon grow accustomed to this as well.
    Lucy was not thinking of future changes; she was only thinking of how ignorant she had been.  She had seen Louisa dressed daily in clothing identical to what Molly was preparing.  Lucas had never mentioned fashion, and Lucy understood she had simply assumed he had no care as to what she wore.  She felt her embarrassment grow as she was being dressed, item by item.  She had stepped into a pair of drawers that had layers of lace at the hem.  She stood trembling as the white stockings were drawn up her slender legs and tied with yellow ribbons just above her knees.  She slipped her feet into the plain shoes and stood still as two petticoats were tied around her slender waist.  She shuddered, but obediently lifted her arms when told so that the thin chemise and then the yellow dress could be slipped over her head.  Molly turned her around in order to begin buttoning the dozens of small buttons up the back of the dress.  Anna shook her head when Lucy continued to sniffle.
    "Hush, little one," Anna said as she stepped to Lucy and forced her to lift her face with a firm finger under Lucy's chin.  Lucy's eyes were still swimming with tears as Anna held a handkerchief to her nose.  "Blow, Lucy, and stop that ridiculous whining.  I can't imagine what you thought would happen when you accepted Lord Huntington as your husband.  You must have known you would be required to become his little one and know from seeing your sister what that entails.  Now, stop being a baby, unless you wish to find yourself in nappies instead of ruffled drawers."  Lucy's mouth dropped open at the woman's words.  The
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