Skye Morrison Vampire 2 Sins of the Father
elbow. “Come on. Let’s get our run
    I smiled up at him as Styvi pulled on her
leash, eager to start running again. “Alright,” I said and fell
into a comfortable rhythm beside him.
    We alternated running and walking around the
neighborhood for the next two hours. At one point, Styvi Nix got
too tired and Gavin picked her up and carried her in his arms the
rest of the way. She was all too happy for the ride and snuggled
contently down into his arms. My heart melted at Gavin’s
thoughtfulness. Seeing a guy being so sweet to my Styvi gave me
butterflies. Every girl likes a gentleman.
    We comfortably conversed during the rest of
the walk to his house on Navajo Trail. He offered to walk me the
rest of the way home but I declined.
    “It’s alright, Gavin,” I said with my thanks.
“I’ve got to get ready for work anyway.” He gently handed me a
sleeping Styvi Nix, took a card out of his wallet and gave me his
    “Call me anytime, running buddy,” he said
with a smile and walked to his door. I watched him unlock it and
step inside. Hm. So he really DOES live there. I immediately
chastised myself. Of course he does, Skye. Not everyone is a
lying psycho. I shook my head, cuddled Styvi and walked the
block home.
    I quickly showered, put on my makeup, and did
my hair. I didn’t have time to blow dry it so I put a ton of mousse
in it, tossed it around a few times, and fixed it with my fingers.
I was going for that sexily messy, bed-head look and hit the nail
on the head. Tonight I was going to be working the main bar, so I
wanted to wear something sexy but comfortable. I chose a black
buckle PVC bustier, a matching PVC miniskirt, fishnet stockings and
my black buckled, knee high gothic boots. I couldn’t stand the
thought of being in high heels for ten hours again today. I added a
black slave bracelet and choker combo and then looked into the full
length mirror on the inside of my closet door. The outfit looked
really awesome but I was momentarily concerned with the amount of
cleavage that was hanging out of the top of my bustier. I stuffed,
readjusted, jiggled, and nudged, but the cups were as full as I
could get them. Oh well, I thought. As long as they don’t
pop out, I’ll be okay. I should make us some awesome tips at
least. I smiled at the thought, grabbed my bag, phone, and
jacket and made my way downstairs.
    Styvi Nix was tossing around her tug rope, so
I spent the next few minutes playing with her before I finally had
to leave for work. I kissed her goodbye, told her to be a good
girl, and walked out the front door. I got into my ’88 Pontiac
Fiero GT and jammed out to the Black Keys on the drive over to The
Mausoleum. It was a damn shame I had to throw away the sold-out
concert ticket because I would have loved to see them in concert,
but there was no way in hell I was going to go with Jesse.
    My purse started ringing, effectively
interrupting my thoughts, and I reached over to the passenger seat
and retrieved my cell phone from the inner pocket of my messenger
bag. I quickly glanced at the caller ID, but didn’t recognize the
    “Hello?” I asked uncertainly into the phone
as I turned down the radio.
    “Hey, baby girl! Long time, no talk. Did you
like the gifts I left you?”
    My whole body tensed as soon as I recognized
the voice on the other end of the line. Jesse Prescott,
ex-boyfriend/abusive stalker/total delusional asshole, had just
called me.
    “Well, aren’t you going to say something?”
Jesse asked with an amused chuckle.
    I swallowed hard and took a deep breath to
steady my nerves. “What the hell, Jesse? Why are you even calling
    “Now, now, baby. There’s no need to be rude,”
he said with a tsk. “I just wanted to see how my favorite girl was,
that’s all. Did you like the lingerie I picked out for us? When I
saw it, I knew you’d like it. God I can’t wait to see you in
    “Why would you even think that it was okay to
buy me something like
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