Simply Pleasure

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Book: Simply Pleasure Read Online Free PDF
Author: Kate Pearce
    Mr. Harrison smiled at his companions and Peter and Captain Ford smiled back. Val continued to look out of the window as they pulled clear of the docks and drove inward through the town and onward to what looked like green fields and rolling hills. He couldn’t remember ever seeing such lush pasture before, although he must have done. Strange how almost all his memories had disappeared . . . Had he been too frightened to even try to remember what he’d once had in case he lost his mind?
    He closed his eyes and leaned back into the corner of the carriage, but he couldn’t sleep. If the carriage took them straight to his father’s house, what would await him there? He couldn’t bear to ask Mr. Harrison if his father was still alive.
    â€œVal?” Peter touched his knee. “Are you all right?”
    And what if Peter left him too?
    Opening his eyes, Val noted that Mr. Harrison was fast asleep and that Captain Ford had eyes only for Peter. Reaching across, he stroked Peter’s thigh and felt the muscle harden beneath his touch. He carried on stroking, his thumb moving inward and upward until every other touch brushed the underside of Peter’s balls.
    â€œVal . . .” Peter’s mouth brushed his ear. “This isn’t a good idea.”
    Ignoring Peter, he slid his hand up to cup his friend’s balls and rubbed his thumb over the growing swell of his cock. A slight sound drew his attention to the only other awake occupant of the carriage whose gaze was riveted on the motion of Val’s hand.
    Val didn’t stop and look down at what he was doing. Instead he engaged the captain’s eyes and held them locked to his.
    â€œMine . . .” he breathed the word into the charged silence. Captain Ford hastily looked away.
    With a smile of satisfaction Val withdrew his hand and turned back to the window. The sun had set and the carriage was slowing down. Mr. Harrison woke up and soon they were being escorted up the stairs to the bedchambers reserved for them by Valentin’s family.
    As soon as the door closed, Peter turned to him.
    â€œWhat was that all about?”
    â€œTouching you?” Val shrugged. “I thought you liked it.”
    â€œNot when you’re trying to prove a point.”
    Val cupped Peter’s chin and held him close. “But you are mine, aren’t you?”
    â€œYou’re the devil, Val.” Peter lowered his lashes, but not before Val had seen the truth there.
    They undressed silently and crawled into bed, Peter pointedly ignoring Val, who waited until his friend fell asleep before pulling back the covers and heading for the door. He pulled on his shirt and listened to the sounds of activity inside the inn before stepping out onto the landing.
    There was no one around, so he knocked softly on the door beside his, which was opened by Captain Ford. Before the captain could speak, Val whisked himself inside the room and closed the door.
    â€œWhat do you want, Valentin?”
    â€œYou.” Val slowly took off his shirt, watching the other man’s helpless reaction to the sight of his nudity.
    â€œNo, you don’t.” Captain Ford shook his head. “Peter told me—”
    Val cupped his cock and stroked himself. “Peter wanted to keep you for himself. That’s hardly fair, is it?” He held the captain’s gaze. “I can assure you that I’m far better qualified to give you what you need.”
    He went down on his knees and set his teeth on the swell of the captain’s buckskin breeches. “Show me your cock.”
    Val smiled to himself as the captain fumbled to reveal himself, his fingers clumsy and shaking. “Very nice.” He stood up without touching the other man. “Now, strip, get down on your knees, and suck mine.”
    For a second, Captain Ford hesitated, and then with a groan he started to tear off his clothes. He was soon naked and kneeling at
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