Silent Scream
him into a mental institution.”
    “I thought Darwin’s theory had had something to do with that.”
    Yolanda chuckled. “Yeah, that, too.”  Her expression evened out and she uncrossed her legs and then recrossed them.  “Have you given any thoughts to where you want to go after Gordon finally lets you leave?”
    Rubbing her face, Maddie shook her head.  “I don’t know.  I guess I should be thinking about that, but these days I have trouble focusing on the present, let alone the future.”  She pressed her head deeper into the softness of the pillow.  “I want to get out of here, but I don’t know where to go.  I...I can’t go home.”  Her body trembled as though she stood in -10 degree weather without a coat.  “There’s that road I have to go down, and I don’t know that I can do it.”  Her voice wavered, threatening to die .  Please don’t let me break down, she thought.  Please.
    “Why don’t you come stay with me until you figure out what you want to do about the house.”
    Maddie shook her head.  “I couldn’t.  I don’t want to impose on anybody.  This is my problem.”
    Yolanda peered down at her watch.  “You always did feel the need to do things on your own terms.  It didn’t matter if those terms were wrong.”
    “I’m your friend, Maddie.  We’ve worked together for years.  You walked me through my divorce.  I helped you when your mother died.  Better still, we’ve heard each other sing, and neither of us can carry a blessed tune.  Now that’s the sign of true friendship.”
    “I can’t impose on you like that,” Maddie said as she looked at her arm, checking the flow of liquid through the IV tube.  “I don’t know how long I’ll be there, and I don’t even have a car right now.”
    “They haven’t found it?”
    “No, not yet.” Her focus shifted to the hand where the IV was hooked up.  As she looked at the site, she noticed her hand appeared a bit swelled.  Still, that wasn’t unusual.  IV’s sometimes did that.  “And I really don’t expect them to, either.  There’s no telling what he did with it.”  More goosebumps dotted her flesh as she thought about that car. Less than a year old, she had once loved it.  Now, she would always associate it with last night—the  night her life had changed forever.  Even if it were returned to her, she wasn’t sure she could drive it.  God help her, she didn’t want to remember; she’d do anything to forget.
    “You wouldn’t be imposing.   I don’t like living alone, and you know it.  Has Gordon told you when you might be discharged?”
    Maddie shook her head.  “Not a word.  I guess it’s top secret or something.”
    “Hopefully it will be soon.”  Yolanda smoothed her shirt and stood.  “You shouldn’t be alone right now, either.”   She squeezed her shoulder softly, then nodded toward the door.  “I’ve got to head back before Ashford reports me missing.  God forbid he have to deal with another patient—that  just might send him into orbit.”  She shrugged.  “Then again, he might not even miss me.  I’m far from his type, considering I’m not exactly young and cute.”  Just before she stepped through the door, she said, “Just think about it, Maddie.  You don’t have to say yes right now.  But don’t say no just yet, either.  Think about it, okay?”  She tapped her fingers on the door frame.
    “I will.” 
    As Yolanda left, Maddie turned her gaze back to the window, where moisture glazed the entirety of its surface, obscuring the blackness.  Maddie looked at her broken arm as tears pricked her eyes and she wished she could disappear.
    * * *
    Ashen clouds tumbled across the heavens, blotting out the setting sun as Gabriel strode up his front walkway and unlocked his door.  His breath funneled into the cold air.  There was a feathery white dusting the yard, the shrubs, and the roof.  Although the clouds had been spitting sleet
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