Siege of Night
in, much less having the knowledge or ability to defend against.
    “If this man was as gravely injured as you say, and still took the risk of confronting you even though he was completely outnumbered, he must have had a dire reason,” Athel said to no one as she rubbed her chin in thought. “You weren’t robbed, and seeing as how he captured one of you alive for questioning, that leaves only one remaining possibility.”
    She turned and walked straight up to the man, tenderly placing a hand on his cheek. When he began to lower his head, she gently raised his chin with her other hand, not letting his eyes escape hers. Leaning in close, she whispered in his ear, “You saw something—something you weren’t supposed to see. Now you’re going to tell me what it was.” She backed away slowly, keeping her knowing eyes locked on his.
    The man began to tremble as a stream of urine ran down his leg, forming a small puddle around his ankle. Athel’s expression never changed, nor did she look down at it a single time while waiting patiently for the answer to this mystery. “I saw him. We saw him,” the poor man stammered as his uncontrollable shaking became even more apparent.
    “Saw who?” Athel questioned as a look of impatient curiosity fully replaced her anger.
    “The one they call the Gate Keeper,” he muttered, as if he didn’t believe his own words. He went on briskly, as if to dispel her obvious doubts. “I know what this sounds like. We couldn’t believe our own eyes, but it’s true!”
    His eyes began to go out of focus as he relived the supernatural scene in his mind. “The crytons...they were performing that ritual that we’ve seen before. But that man! He responded differently than the others. He...he—”
    “He what? What? Tell me!” she shouted impatiently before watching his gaze focus to a single spot over her shoulder. Athel slowly turned around even though there was no need. She knew exactly who was standing behind her, but not how long he’d been listening.
    Corzon’s dark eyes bore deep into Athel’s like sharp blades. “I would ask you what business you have questioning my prisoner, but we both know the answer to that, don’t we?” he said smoothly. She began to reply, but not a single word left her lips. “None!” he roared as a vicious backhand sent her sprawling to the floor.
    She lay there for a moment or two before rolling back over and looking up to face her father. A sheepish grin split her face as she wiggled her lower jaw with one hand while using the other to rise back to her feet. This was far from the first time he had struck her, and certainly far from the last.
    “So,” she said, getting right to the point, “exactly how long have you been listening to me doing your job?” She braced a moment for the inevitable backhand she may have actually deserved that time. When a ferocious, cold glare seemed to be the only action forthcoming, she continued, “It appears to me you’ve had this man beaten, not because of any doubts regarding his explanation of the events that took place in the Dead Forest, but simply because you didn’t want to hear his explanation.” She moved up close to Corzon while her dark eyes now penetrated his. In an airy whisper, she said, “What if his claims are true? What if he actually has borne witness to the Gate Keeper?”
    “Then he has gone mad!” her father roared as he shoved her aside while drawing his sword.
    “No!” Athel screamed while trying to grab his sword arm, but only caught the back of his shoulder as the quick thrust rang true. The man let out a soft gurgle as Corzon gave the blade a full twist to the right, then pulled it from his throat. If nothing else, the instant kill was fast and merciful. “Why? Why did you do that?” she screamed as her beaded hair rattled angrily. “I saw no lie in his eyes. He believed what he saw!”
    “You saw madness...nothing else!” he replied angrily. “Of course he believed what he
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