the house, checking the windows and doors to make sure they were all secured.
He was thankful that Charlotte hadn’t been wearing anything sexy. No way would he ever get any sleep. Being in the same house was hard enough.
A throat clearing behind him made him turn.
Charlotte leaned on the wall, looking anxious.
“Something wrong?”
“I wanted to let you know I have a spare bedroom if you’d prefer a bed.”
He’d prefer a bed all right—hers, but he was here to protect her, not get into her baggy pajama bottoms.
“The couch is central to watching for trouble. But thanks.”
“All right. Have you eaten? I could fix you something.”
“I’m fine, Charlotte. While you’re up, though, I wanted to ask if your husband left a will.”
“He did, but I could never bring myself to look at it. I guess I didn’t want to actually see the finality... you know, his last written words.The attorney said he left everything to me. Which was everything we shared together. Why?”
“Do you still have it? Maybe he left a clue in there.”
“Yeah, I think my lawyer placed it inside the desk in Shaun’s office.”
She turned and walked down the hall.
JT followed, forcing his focus on anything but her behind in the two-sizes-too-big pajamas.
In the office, she rifled through the drawers of the desk, then pulled out a large manila envelope and untwisted the string holding it closed. She emptied the contents on the top and stepped back.
JT fanned through the stuff. A white envelope with handwriting on it caught his eye. He picked it up and noted that it was still sealed. When he turned it over, he saw that it had Charlotte’s name on it.
“What is this?”
She shook her head. “Like I said, I didn’t look through the packet the attorney left. I just couldn’t deal with it.”
“Will you let me read this? There could be something inside that could tip us to what Shaun had on Terran.”
“No!” She snatched the letter from his hand, tears clouding her eyes.
JT inwardly reprimanded himself for making her cry. How thoughtless he was to want to read a personal letter that could have likely been the last thoughts the man had for his wife.
“I’m sorry, Charlotte. I wasn’t thinking.”
A single tear emerged from one of her sparkling eyes and slid down her cheek.
“No, I’m sorry. I know this could be something important. I’m just not ready to read it yet.”
“That’s all right. I understand.”
JT studied the rest of the papers that were in the packet, reaching for a tiny yellow envelope. Something shifted inside. He opened it up and found a key.
“Know what this goes to?”
She frowned, then took the key and examined it. “I have no idea.”
“This might be important. I’m going to keep it, see if I can find out what it opens.”
JT scanned the rest of the stuff, nothing else looking significant.
Silence filled the twelve by twelve foot room. JT would love to see the contents of that letter Charlotte had, but he understood why she wasn’t ready to read it. Especially when she just found out about it. He’d wait. If indeed it had anything about Terran inside, she’d tell him.
“Maybe you should try to get some rest now, since you have to work early in the morning.”
Her eyes locked on his, the intensity in their blue depths almost buckling his knees.
The woman was incredibly beautiful, and much too sweet for the likes of him. He wasn’t the commitment type. Charlotte clearly was. Look how she still held on to her dead husband. JT was so wrong for her, it wasn’t even funny. Too bad his body could care less about how opposite they were.
His heart hammered in his ears. Walk away, Charlotte. Go to your bedroom and lock the door .
“Are you sure you wouldn’t prefer a bed to sleep in?”
Was that an invitation? He wasn’t sure.
He shook his head. “Couch is fine.”
For a brief moment, he thought she looked disappointed.
“Night then.” She walked out of the office, the
Richard Burton, Chris Williams