Sex Me Down
her as if she were a Carrillia - faire prize. Desire coiled through her at the sight of his large uncovered shaft. Moisture pooled in her middle, making her womb clench. The inner contraction sent her woman’s cream out to wet the silk of her panties. She must clear her mind of that sight! Laynee closed her eyes and swallowed. Gathering what little of her wits remained about her, she tried to start a conversation.
    “Would you,” she said licking her lips, trying to forget the experience of seeing her first naked male. “Would you care to have a seat?” she asked, her gaze shifting to Sayre. It was easier to talk to him, he was clothed.
    “I don’t mind if I do.” He strode over to the couch, picked up the lap-blanket she used to cover 36

    Sex Me Down

    herself on cold nights and tossed it to the Tigerian. What had he said his name was again?
    “Fane,” the man said as he accepted the blanket from Sayre and wrapped it around his waist. “My name is Fane. I am glad to finally meet you, mate.”
    She covered her face with her hands. “Don’t tell me you can read my mind too!” Her cheeks burned, rivaling the liquid fires of Mount Galinor. She was no stranger to telepathy though she’d gotten out of practice since Jaynee left Carrillia . It was too difficult to communicate over long distances.
    He graced her with a crooked smile that nearly drove the breath from her lungs. The flash of those even white teeth was nearly her undoing. How could any man be so devastatingly handsome?
    Both of them were. Sayre was much more handsome than his brother. Fane, with his light blue eyes and sinful body was obviously Sayre’s equal in all things. Each one of her mates by himself was more man than she’d ever dared hope to have. And there were two of them. She strode over to the sofa and collapsed onto the center cushion, her eyes closed tight. Lady Goddess, how did she ever get into these messes?
    She was a good girl, always an avid student, a voracious reader. How had she come to this end?
    Sitting up straight, her eyes opened wide when the cushions on either side of her dipped with the 37

    Tianna Xander and Bonnie Rose Leigh

    weight of an occupant. Looking from one to the other, she couldn’t manage to say a thing. With Sayre on her right and Fane on her left, she could do nothing but gape at the two men as they sat close, boxing her in between them. Her entire body quivered. What was happening to her? Was this feeling in the pit of her stomach the desire she’d read so much about in her romancer tomes?
    Sayre rested his arm on the back of the sofa at her neck and Fane half turned to face her, keeping her within his sight.
    “Um …” she licked her lips, not quite knowing what to say. “I—I don’t think this is a very good idea.” Of course it wasn’t. She couldn’t think when they were this close to her. She needed space to keep her head clear. Her inner alarm shrieked with their closeness. Her insides melted with the knowledge that these two wonderful male specimens were her mates and sooner or later they would want to claim her for their own. Her heart slammed in her chest at the idea that they would both want to claim her this night and she nearly whimpered with trepidation. Would they understand that she feared the union? Would they be patient with her because she’d never known the touch of a man?
    She stared down into her lap, twisting her fingers as she worried about the things to come, nearly forgetting the two men could read her 38

    Sex Me Down

    every thought. A gentle finger slid down her right cheek and she turned to Sayre.
    “I—I don’t think I can do this.” Her whole body began to tremble and she started to stand.
    “Do what, natoya ?” Sayre asked, moving to bring her back against the sofa, his hands gentle.
    “We are only talking. No one has insisted you do something you are not ready to do.”
    She looked up at him, needing to make him understand. “But I know you will.
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