Sex Me Down
with the delicate aroma of her fear and arousal. He wanted nothing more than to sink his cock into her up to his balls. He wanted her beneath him so much, he ached with it.
    A soft light, shone through her bedroom windows. It left her in silhouette, bathing her in the pale radiance of Carrillia’s three moons. He swallowed thickly, already loving the woman whose sleek body tempted him even before he’d seen her face. He knew she was beautiful. There was no doubt. The moonlight bathed her, leaving her standing within a glowing halo of light. This woman was more to him than a mere mate. She was a gift from the Lady Goddess herself. A 30

    Sex Me Down

    woman—a mate—he would cherish till the end of his days. What had he done to deserve such a precious gift? Squeezing his eyes closed, he gave thanks for the woman whose life had just been irrevocably tied to his.
    A terrible need slammed through his body as a soft breeze carried more of her enticing scent to him. The tiger in him rose, snarling to be set free. It demanded he claim his mate. His teeth elongated, his nails cut into the palms of his hands. It was all he could do to tame the beast down, hold it leashed deep within him. Opening his eyes, he looked at her, drinking in the sight of the woman who would bear his cubs. She was nearly close enough to touch. He fought the urge to sniff the air like the untamed animal he was. His clenched fingers itched to feel the ebony silk of her hair. They longed to touch her milky skin. Still, he managed to keep his hands to himself and the beast leashed. This night must be for her. She must accept him—accept them both. He knew that Sayre told the truth because unbeknownst to the Savari people, he’d traveled to their world undetected and witnessed their customs. There would be no children for any of them if they did not complete the ritual. As one of the rare Savari triads,they must confirm their mating under the moons of Savar . Fane’s body burned just as surely as if he’d 31

    Tianna Xander and Bonnie Rose Leigh

    been struck by lightning. Fire raced through his blood at just the sight of her. The arch of her back, the gentle curve of her breasts with their hard peaks nearly undid him. It was all he could do to keep himself from pouncing on her and laying claim despite her fears.
    She stepped further from the protection of her room and into the soft light from the window behind him. Thick, glossy black hair fell over her shoulders in long waves curling around her full breasts. Gray eyes, framed by the thickest ebony lashes he’d ever seen, rounded with fright as she looked between them. The purple markings of a Carrillian High Priestess graced her cheeks. The intricate tattoos showing the world her high rank among the witches. She licked her full pink lips nervously. His cock sprang to life as he imagined those luscious lips closing around his shaft as he thrust himself inside her perfect mouth. Sayre sucked in his breath and Fane almost growled. The bred-in aggression of his kind was hard to overcome. He would rein it in soon. He must. But for now it was hard to swallow the fact that he would have to share his mate after all. He didn’t want to share his woman with another. That had been one of his reasons for searching offworld for a female. Still, glancing back at his beautiful mate, his chest expanded with pride. She was even more 32

    Sex Me Down

    beautiful than he ever could have hoped. He couldn’t blame the other man for his reaction. She was the loveliest creature Fane had ever seen. His cock twitched out a reminder that he’d not been with a woman in several cycles and he grinned wryly. If he could not control his body’s reaction to his mate, how could he condemn the actions of Sayre?
    Still, the thought of sharing her rankled. His people had begun to war amongst themselves over the lack of available mates. Fane wasn’t the only one of his kind who didn’t want to share his mate with another. Many of the
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