Sex in the Hood Saga

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Book: Sex in the Hood Saga Read Online Free PDF
Author: White Chocolate
news the other night, she said, “Po’ chil’. Don’t nobody deserve that. I’d give’er a hug if I could.”
    His mother sure couldn’t stand to see the dollar signs flashing in Milan’s eyes, or the bossy, fake proper way she started talking since she went to that white prep school and renamed herself after the fashion capital of Italy. But something about this chick Victoria Winston, she looked and sounded one hundred percent real.
    She was all natural, without a lick of makeup. Perfect black eyebrows arched over lashes so long and thick they looked like awnings over windows with her long, black hair falling straight around her face and an Indian-style necklace on, she looked like a Native American princess, walking toward the chief.
    She was about three feet away on the sidewalk when she turned to him. Locked those silver-dollar eyes right on him. Her face wore no expression, but the sex power in her stare hit him like two blue-flamed blow torches. Sucked the air out of him. His mouth, nose, and throat burned dry as the desert. It felt like a firestorm inside him.
    His heart beat fast and hot, blowing blood up to his brain like a hot air balloon. His head felt light and swirly, like steam was shooting out of his every pore, from his bald head to his toes in his brown leather loafers. His eyes bugged as big as doorknobs behind the sunglasses that steamed up and blurred his focus as she checked him out.
    And Timbo, he was flipping around like a giant, caught fish just laid out on the dock under the burning sun, trying to dive back into familiar waters. But it bit that juicy bait worm, so now he was caught. Used to being king of the sea, it was now about to be served up as a feast for a creature who was bigger, better, smarter.
    Ma’fuck me! What the fuck kinda crazy feelin’s am I settin’ off? This bitch gon’ kill me wit’ one glance!
    â€œDuke?” Beamer knit his thick eyebrows, leaning close. “Look like you havin’ a heart attack. What the fuck?”
    It was as if Duke’s eyes were a magnet and she was a rod of gold. He couldn’t separate the two. He was paralyzed on it.
    â€œDang, she got The Duke kronk’d wit’ a right look,” Beamer exclaimed. “He out cold!”
    The hot spotlight of her stare turned cool as she looked to her left, toward Miss Green’s house. Duke sucked in air. She turned her back, walked up the front walk toward the porch. Her ass was bouncing, Bam! Shazam! with every step.
    His every muscle was trembling, like when he didn’t eat for three days after Prince died. His stomach was jumping, and his whole body felt like he was cumming, wracked with delicious spasms. That light-headed feeling was rolling down his whole body, like he was about to float away.
    His soul had just found its mate. In fact, it was the same soul, born in two different bodies, in two different worlds. Now it just wanted to run over, dance around with its other half inside her, and come right back here inside Duke.
    â€œDuke, you look possessed. I’m ’bout to call a priest, sprinkle some holy water over yo’ exorcist ass.”
    â€œRidiculous ma’fucka,” Duke said coolly despite his jittery insides. “That Mexican food we had fo’ lunch crampin’ my gut. Stole my breath for a minute.”
    Duke watched her walk up the steps into the house.
    â€œYou the ridiculous one, Duke,” Beamer said. “Sayin’ ‘my’ about some chick who might be crazy as hell after what she went through. Black momma got fucked to death. Daddy blew his brains out. Now she gotta move outta a big-ass palace an’ move into that ghetto shack.” Beamer nodded toward her as she ascended the stairs.
    â€œIt ain’t a question,” Duke said, watching her ass cheeks pop as she stepped up. “She gon’ move into Babylon tonight.” Duke deepened his voice to imitate bad-ass Yul
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