SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)

SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) Read Online Free PDF Page A

Book: SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: JC Coulton
crew run towards us. Luckily, my anger is bigger than all of them. No one can touch me. I manage to draw blood from two punched noses before I’m stopped by four massive guys who all come at me together, pulling me to the floor.
    I know I’m in for a beating after that little performance. I struggle for a while before I give up. Right now I couldn’t care less what they do to me, as long as I get the information I need to find Carrie. The security crew confers with their boss, then deal out a couple of wince-worthy kicks to my already sore ribs. It’s schoolboy stuff. I don’t hold a grudge as they’re both bleeding more than a little from my attack. Their retaliation is reasonable. It’s like a code.
    They drag me back up off the floor by the collar of my shirt, and hold me up against a wall. The force of the push reminds me it wasn’t so long ago I saw a guy get his head bashed in by one of these same guys. This place is bad news. Every time I’m here, something brutal happens. I really need to calm my shit down.
    In the end it seems I didn’t need to worry too much. These boys still think they’re dealing with a cop. They just hold on to me, waiting for Jessup, who now has the waitress tending to his swollen jaw with an icepack. He snarls at me as he limps over. I meet his eyes without fear.
    “Tell me where to find them Jessup. I know you know.”
    He sneers; an expression that I’m pleased to see hurts his broken ego. The rage inside me has died down. I know what’s coming and tense my abs in preparation. Big boy boss needs to restore respect to the dynamic. He signals his boys to hold me down, and sinks punch after punch into my gut.
    For a little guy, he packs a punch. Soon I’m holding back the urge to sink to the floor. It’s only my pride that keeps me upright. I’m relieved he works his anger out quickly. I watch him like a hawk when he moves off and sits on the couch nearby.
    “What am I going to do with you, boy? Coming in here after my warning? You have the nerve to come back here and accuse me”
    He shakes his head almost unperceptively at the instantly responsive security guard who has his hand on my throat.
    “Are you planning to get your dogs off me, Lee?” I say it while I grit my teeth. He shakes his head and spends another long minute staring at me. He seems to be thinking, making a decision.  I figure the only thing I can do is wait. Jessup Lee may not be tall but he holds the top spot in this game for a reason. And he’s smart. It’s not clear what’s going to happen next, and my gut clenches in anticipation.
    Right now I’m in a position of weakness and not just physically. I need something from him and I have nothing to bargain with. I once had high hopes that the confrontation between us, when it finally happened, would end with Jessup Lee walking out in handcuffs. But it turns out the man who most of the department has been after for years is still squeaky clean. While here, I am the rogue cop who’s being suspended by the department and held against a wall, powerless. It’s sickening.
    He shakes his head and looks up. “I told you to ask your old lady…and you know I don’t mean your mother. Neon has the information you want, Blake, but I’d like to see you try and get it out of her.

Chapter 5
    Stretched out on this mattress, the despair of April’s absence is fresh. Our last interaction on the stairs of the brownstone freaked me out. I hardly recognized her. And I didn’t expect that slap. It hurt me physically and emotionally. I know she wasn’t herself, but seeing someone I care for turn on me like that was demoralizing.
    Lately, here in this unsuspecting, makeshift New Jersey prison, I’m reminded that most of the energy I’ve expended in this part of the country has gone into thinking about her. I’ve literally worried about April Lee for entire nights at a time. And when I finally found her, I get slapped? I did
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