SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series)

SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) Read Online Free PDF

Book: SEIZED Part 5: A Steamy New Adult Romantic Suspense Thriller (Seize Me Romance Fiction Series) Read Online Free PDF
Author: JC Coulton
not expect that response.
    Despite my feelings, being alone in this locked room is like being in hell. Except now, April’s gone again—leaving me to the injections and brutality. I have no idea how long I’ve been here, or how many injections I’ve had. I spend most of my time either passed out or in a haze. I don’t know what time it is. The sun on the wall no longer seems hopeful, and the sound of the door opening strikes wary acceptance, rather than the resistance I once felt.
    It’s been a while since they came in with a dose. I need to use the bathroom, but even that urge is distant and blurry around the edges. The drug makes nothing feel real. It kills my emotions. I’m going further down the rabbit hole with each injection.
    This time, when the door opens, I don’t even roll over. I stare at the wall, waiting for the inevitable. For this visit, only one of her guys is here, it’s the bigger one. He drugs me up quickly. I frown as the needle goes in. He’s the gentlest of the lot so I shouldn’t complain. He doesn’t bother to stick around either. It means he doesn’t deliver any cruel treatment or remarks. This, I think, is progress. If any of the other guys were here, I’d be in tears by now. I need to be grateful for the small things. For now I just slip into another world, grateful for a tiny break.
    I wake up, and I’m feeling clearer than normal. That shot can’t have been as strong as the last few have been; either that or my body is adjusting. I decide it’s time for another look at April’s bed. I start to hope she can leave me a note or write something for me on the wall.
    Slipping out of the handcuffs becomes easier each time. I’m getting used to the exact amount of force I need to free myself. I can do it without much effort now. I start by tossing April’s blanket aside. I find nothing. It was unlikely to be that easy, but I’m willing to put my hopes in pretty much anything right now. The bed looks exactly the same as it did before she arrived. I wonder if she ever woke up and saw I was here. I wonder if she tried to wake me, the same way I did with her. I cry and bury my face in my knees. This sucks.
    I decide to scan the room again. I make my way around looking for any sign at all that April might have left me some kind of message. There’s nothing. The walls are clean, and I check the baseboards too. There’s still nothing. Also, the main door remains locked and I can’t see anything underneath it. My movements are slow and labored. The drug is slowly taking my strength. I notice I’m breathless quickly, and I feel so weak I can barely navigate the room.
    I sink to the floor. I’m making the best possible effort to stay quiet when my palm grazes against something sharp. I look down. It’s a shard of wood that has detached itself from one of the floorboards. It’s small, but who knows; it could be useful. I hold it gently, trying to ensure I don’t stab myself on the sharp edges. It’s about half the length of a pen. Even in my dizzy state, I see it for the opportunity it is.
    I sit there for a while, collecting myself and looking around. I clutch the sliver of wood in my hand like a tiny dagger. I imagine myself plunging it into someone’s eyeball. I sigh. It wouldn’t do much damage to any other area. I don’t even know if I’d have the coordination to pull off a precision move like that. In all honesty, there’s never been a time that calls more for drastic measures.
    I wonder to myself which floorboard it came from. I might be able to break off a bigger piece if I can find it. This starts a desperate search of the floor. My vision is still blurry. It strikes me I should be stretching out or making better use of this time. But I persist—the idea of finding a larger makeshift dagger is attractive.
    Nothing seems out of place on any of the floorboards across the main part of the room. I bend and look under my bed. No luck—it’s normal under there. Maybe it’s
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