See You in Hell (Mel Goes to Hell Series Book 2)

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Book: See You in Hell (Mel Goes to Hell Series Book 2) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Demelza Carlton
    Mel had never seen Raphael look quite this scared. "First, tell me what you haven't yet."
    "I promised… I swore …" Raphael stammered.
    "You owe me more than that," Mel said, her voice deceptively soft. "You will tell me why. What danger does Lucifer pose to me alone?"
    "He'll take you to Hell with him. Michael saw it. If he ever gets close enough to you to ask for your help, he won't let you go. Your destiny will be to descend into Hell with him."
    Mel's voice dropped lower. "When did Michael see this?"
    Raphael swallowed. "Before…before the battle when Lucifer fell. Michael swore he'd win, so he could keep you safe. He asked me to help hide you from Lucifer in any way I could. I've tried – for centuries, I've tried! – but none of us, not even Michael, expected him to take over HELL Corporation personally. And here, of all places, where I know you keep a permanent house to stay in when you're on one of your sabbaticals. I had no one else here to ask – but I don't want you to take any unnecessary risks." He stared at her, as if weighing his guilt. "Please, Mel. None of us wants to see you in Hell. Is there anyone you've seen at the HELL Corporation that you might think is Lucifer?"
    Mel sighed. "The CEO might be. I don't know the demon at all. He goes by the name Luce Iblis. Look, it's only a suspicion – the attempts I've seen him make at seduction weren't the sort to be successful. They were just plain sad. The man's definitely a demon of some kind, but Lili seems a far nastier piece of work. Get Gabi here. She'd be able to recognise him, if he is indeed Lucifer. And if not…well, at least I'd have some help around the office. The photocopying is tedious, to say the least."
    "Yes! I'll call Gabi in the morning. We can't be too careful. It could just be a ploy to get you to drop your guard after all. She'll help you in any way she can. I swear it." Raphael slurped up the last noodle and grinned as he set his bowl back on the table.
    Mel raised her beer in a toast. "To a better day tomorrow, then," she said. After all, it could hardly be worse than today.

    "It's Gerry's birthday on the weekend and we're all putting in to get him a present," announced Merih. "What does everyone think about a new tablet and a mankini?"
    Mel thought it would be quite expensive, but she didn't say so. She also wondered why Gerry's manager wanted him to have a mankini. She assumed that was a matter between the two of them.
    Merih's eyes swept the room. "So we're agreed, then?"
    Some heads nodded slowly. Merih's eyes darted to each member of the group before fixing on Mel. "I'll take care of the tablet. Mel, could you arrange a mankini?"
    Mel was taken aback. Why would she know where to get a mankini? "I wouldn't know where to start. I've never bought one before." She'd be content to never buy one at all, nor see one on any man she knew.
    Merih laughed. "Ah, you'll be fine. I'll leave it to you. We need it for tomorrow, so hurry up!"
    Mel saw Lili nod, smiling, so she resigned herself to the task. Executive officers execute orders, she reminded herself.
    She sat at her computer and searched for mankinis. She discovered that they used to come as a free gift with Borat DVDs, but not any more. There were plenty on eBay, but there was no way she'd have it by tomorrow. All the other hits were pictures of men who owned a mankinis – one had huge tufts of black hair sticking out of it – or ads for sex shops.
    She opened up tabs for a few and steeled herself for unpleasant research. She let out her breath in a relieved hiss as she clicked on the first page. It featured a warning message, telling her the page had been blocked because it might contain pornographic content.
    It's a sex shop, Mel thought. Of course it might contain pornographic content.
    She clicked on the web address again, but the site was still blocked. She tried the next and the next…but they were all blocked. She jumped up and trotted over to Lili's cubicle.
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