Book: SECRETS OF THE WIND Read Online Free PDF
Author: Charlotte Boyett-Compo
laid the backs of his fingers against her cheek and frowned when he felt warmth he thought too high.
    “The pairilis is causing her a slight fever, but other than the cut on her hip, she is in very good health. She should be up and about in a day or two.”
    Nodding, Ruan stepped up to the bed and pulled the blanket over the sleeping beauty on the healer’s cot. He tucked the coarse wool around her, flinching at the feel of it. Nothing, he thought, save silks and satins should touch this flawless flesh. Gently, he picked up his burden and held her high against his chest.
    “Let my man know your fee, dochtúir. There will be a bonus for you. You have my gratitude for taking such good care of my lady.”
    Kaspar smiled and inclined his head. When the prince had left and his guard deposited a hefty sack of sterlings in the healer’s hand, Kaspar chuckled aloud. “My lady, eh?” he repeated, tossing the sack of coins into the air and catching it. “Well, now. That bodes well for our little Riezell Guardian, it does!”

Chapter Three
    Chas opened her eyes to find her bold corsair sitting astride a chair beside her bed, his arms braced along the chair’s back. Her right hand was being held in both of his and his lips were placing the softest of kisses upon her fingertips. As he looked up at her through the falling sweep of a thick lock of his dark hair, his eyes shone with a light that took her breath away.
    “I was beginning to worry,” he said, and reached out to smooth the hair back from her forehead.
    “What time is it?” she asked, for the room was dark with shadows.
    “Nearly ten of the evening,” he replied, and rested his palm on her head. “Your fever is gone.”
    “Thirsty,” she said, and realized her voice was scratchy.
    He was quick to release her hand and stand, swinging the chair aside. He took up a carafe and filled a goblet. “I have had them bring in iced water every half hour in anticipation of your awakening,” he said, and stepped up to the bed. Gently, he slid his left hand under her neck and lifted her head, placing the rim of the golden goblet to her lips.
    Chas drank greedily for her mouth felt encased in cotton. She closed her eyes as she swallowed the icy water. When she had taken her fill, she grunted and he removed the goblet, lowering her head once more to the pillow.
    “Are you hungry?”
    “No,” she whispered, and drew in a long breath. The mattress beneath her gave her the impression that she was floating on a cloud, so soft was it. The sheet covering her was silk and the gown touching her body was of the softest muslin.
    She frowned and opened her eyes. “Who dressed me?” she asked, looking up into his hooded eyes.
    “A maid, although I swear to you I was this close…” He held up his hand with thumb and index finger only a fraction apart. “…to doing it myself, lass.”
    “For shame, Your Grace,” she said, making herself blush on cue as she had been taught at the Academy.
    “I am a man first, lass, and a prince second,” he admitted.
    “And a very inappropriate prince at that!”
    The middle-aged woman who came striding into the room was beautiful, but her face was set in a disapproving frown. Two other women—equally strict in appearance—who were obviously her ladies-in-waiting accompanied her.
    “You are well, young woman?” the older lady asked.
    “I am, Your Majesty,” Chas said and tried to rise, but neither mother nor son would allow it. The son stepped toward her only to have the mother push him aside. “Make yourself scarce, Ruan,” she ordered.
    “Mother, I…”
    “Go!” his mother commanded. “This is woman’s work and you will only be in the way!”
    Grumbling to himself, the prince shoved his hands into the pockets of his britches and sauntered lazily from the room. His attitude was one that his mother was apparently accustomed to for she made no further demands on him but rather bade one of her ladies to shut the door behind
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