Second Sight
hoping to stall any further bits of
conversation Jimmie might have been planning. I mean, I know he
wants me to tell him all about my big day in the city, but right
now all I can think about is Miguel and the disappointment of not
running into Lev. I was so sure I’d find him. If I’d died, would he
have come?
    I close my door and plop onto the bed,
careful to weave around all the unpacked boxes. You know, the way
our house looks, it reminds me a lot of the house at Hauser’s
Landing—old-fashioned and dated. A Jimmie house. We still had stuff
that hadn’t been unpacked when we moved so I guess that made it
easier, and leaving most of my friends wasn’t hard because they
never really got beneath my skin.
    The only person I hated leaving was Griffin.
I don’t know why. Maybe because he was the only one who was with me
the night Lev died, and knowing I hadn’t been alone made it easier
to bear. I never thought he and I would be friends, but we became
close. I figured I owed him that much, and once we’d started
talking, I wasn’t sorry.
    Since we’ve been here, I haven’t had time to
write him and let him know how things are going. Besides, what
would I say? That I still miss Lev so much it hurts and I hate this
place at least as much as I hated Hauser’s Landing? And he’s
graduated and has a life now. He doesn’t need me unloading all this
crap. And I shouldn’t complain because Jimmie took quite a loss on
his mother’s house just to unload it and get us out of there after
Lev’s death. It’s not really the house that made Jimmie choose this
place but the land and the nearby lake. Somehow he thinks Mother
Nature will make things more peaceful, I guess.
    I lie on the bed and prop my hands behind my
head. Even as I close my eyes, I see Lev’s face, and I miss him. I
never knew it could hurt to love someone this much.
    A soft knock at the door interrupts my
thoughts. “Come in,” I say, knowing there is no getting rid of
Jimmie when he decides he wants to talk.
    He opens the door and lingers in the hallway.
Behind him, I also notice Scott standing here. “I’m going to fix a
burger for lunch. You hungry?”
    “ No, not really.” I swallow
    Jimmie walks down the hall, and once he
disappears, Scott holds out his hand, offering my keys. “You might
need these. And don’t forget the side window needs to be replaced.
I cleaned out all the glass I could find.”
    “ Thanks.” I take them and
set them on the dresser. “Have they caught the shooter?”
    He nods. “Yeah. Not that it’ll do much good.
He’s a minor.”
    “ Oh.” Nothing about him
reminds me of a teenager, certainly not his expression.
    “ There’s something else.”
He reaches into his pocket and offers me something encircled in his
palm. I’d take that, too, and once his fingers withdraw, I see the
bracelet Lev gave me what seems like a lifetime ago. The silver,
lying in my palm, seems so warm, and once again, my breath halts,
just like when Lev first gave it to me. Tears prick my eyes, and I
feel myself stumbling as I dance with the pain yet again. I almost
drop it, but Scott sets his hand beneath mine, his palm touching
the back of my hand, supporting it.
    He frowns. “You all right?”
    “ I’m fine.” All the pain
and rage of losing Lev threatens to tremble through me until I can
barely breathe and my chest aches from the emotions I’m trying so
hard to restrain. I close my fingers around the bracelet
    Nodding, he silently withdraws his hand and
steps back, giving me one last glance before turning.
    “ Scott?” My voice is as
ragged and uneven as the breath coursing through my
    “ Yeah.” He stops completely
but does not face me. His shoulders form a hard line, as though the
weight of the world rests upon them.
    “ You remind me of someone.”
I know it’s something stupid to say, but I can’t seem to help
myself, even though I know nothing good can come out of it. Even if
Scott is an angel, which I really
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