Second Sight
brought—a pair of khaki
shorts and a white tank top—it’s still better than the
    When he comes back in, he seems strangely
quiet. Again, I should be grateful, but there’s something wrong,
something I can’t put my finger on. The Jimmie I know and love
should be freaking out, but he’s not. So what exactly did little
miss angel have to say, and how exactly did she get Jimmie to
listen in a few minutes when I’ve been trying that for most of my
    He stares at me, but I can’t tell by his
expression what he’s thinking, which really bugs me. Somehow I feel
as though I’ve let him down. There are so many things I wish Jimmie
could understand, especially when it comes to Lev. But truthfully,
I don’t think I even get all of it, so how could I ever explain it
to him?
    “ Jimmie, I’m
    He shakes his head and looks away. “Let’s
just go home, Lizzie. Then we’ll worry about the damage.”

Chapter Three
    Although I am more than willing to drive the
Jeep back to Tellico Plains, neither the doctor nor Jimmie will
agree to that. Scott volunteers to drive it for me with his partner
following to give him a lift back.
    Not only is the lack of freedom stifling, the
silence lingering between Jimmie and me leaves me on edge until it
feels like I need to hit something, anything. Usually Jimmie reacts
more verbally than this, and it makes me wonder if his mind lingers
behind with that nurse, which was just too weird for words.
    Don’t get me wrong. Jimmie likes women as
much as the next guy, but usually he’d react to what I had done and
been oblivious to the nurse, not the other way around. And I just
can’t take the silence anymore.
    “ Jimmie, I’m really
    He shakes his head. “You could have been
killed, and all you can do is apologize?” Gripping the steering
wheel turns his knuckles white. “You never said what you were doing
in Knoxville.”
    “ I was looking
    “ Bullshit, Lizzie. At least
be truthful.” He grabs a cigarette from the pack stashed in the cup
holder and takes the lighter. Closing his eyes, he exhales a thick
cloud of smoke, and I roll the window down, despite the cool air
blowing in through the vents.
    “ I am.” My protest lacks
the bravado to ring true, but I knew that going in. I can’t lie
very well, but that’s probably a good thing.
    “ Look, I’m tired of trying
to guess when you’re gonna do something to get you in trouble so
until I say different, you’re grounded. Period.”
    Aw. How dad of him. Part of me wants to burst
out laughing because at least this way I won’t have to socialize,
and Jimmie can’t expect me to find new friends. Instead I can just
try to figure out other ways to find Lev. Sounds like a plan. So I
just lean back in the seat and close my eyes. I start to drift off
until Miguel’s face surfaces, then I jerk awake and force a deep,
calming breath.
    For whatever reason, my thoughts immediately
go back to Scott and his concerned frown as he tried to make sure I
was coherent at the scene of the shooting. Even now, I can see the
aura of his wings as clear as day, and no matter what he might say,
I know he’s an angel.
    I glance in the door mirror, and my Jeep
follows about two car-lengths behind—close enough so I can see
Scott’s face but not near enough to read his expression. Part of me
hates being grounded because even though today has been awful, I’d
come back just to find Scott. But there’s no way in hell Jimmie’s
going to allow that. Or anything else.
    Jimmie’s uncharacteristic silent treatment
lasts the rest of the drive home—that and his chain smoking. One of
us is going to develop cancer over this, I’m sure, but I know
better than to argue with him about it. It’s his one vice, and when
he’s ready to give it up again, he will. Of course, that will be
when I stop getting into trouble. Until then, all bets are off.
    Once we pull into the driveway, I fly out of
the car and head inside,
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