Scent of a Vampire

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Book: Scent of a Vampire Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jude Stephens
I love my homeland. I miss the smell of the sea and the soil and the way you can still feel the warmth of the sun on the tiles in the evening." Looking over at him, I began to look at him differently. Listening to him talk about his homeland made me think there might be some softness in there somewhere.
    "Why are you living here then?" I had to ask. The hardness came back into his eyes as he said,
    "We will talk after the two of you refresh yourselves. I had your luggage moved up here so you should be quite comfortable. I will have Antonio here order you some dinner."
    Amazingly, for the first time I noticed the large muscular man standing slightly behind Roberto.
    He would have been quite handsome except for the scar that ran down the left side of his face.
    It started at his left temple and ran down to his jaw. It gave him a sort of thuggish look. But he stepped forward and gave a crooked grin and said, "What will you ladies like this evening? I can have the kitchen whip up anything you like."
    Janel spoke up before I had a chance to say anything. Imagine that, I thought, a bit annoyed.
    "Why don't we leave it in your capable hands Antonio? I'm sure you know what's best on the menu. You look like you work out a lot. Do you?"

    Scent of a Vampire – Jude Stephens
    Page 17 of 172
    Oh brother, Janel just couldn't help herself around any man. I don't think she was even aware she was flirting but it was obvious to Antonio as he said, "Mmmm, just leave it to me Miss. My hands are plenty capable." With an arched eyebrow Roberto said, "Well if that is settled, let me show you to your rooms."
    "Janel, your room will be right here," he said opening a beautiful ornate door.
    Wow! The room was a hundred times nicer than the one we were previously in. The room was resplendent in gold and whites. Even the ceiling was in gold with an elaborate chandelier illuminating the room in warm hues. Janel looked at me and giggled, "Oh this will do, I suppose." Then she went over to Roberto and threw her arms around him giving him a kiss on the cheek.
    "Thank you Roberto, this is lovely."
    "Your welcome, Bella." he said, not hiding his amusement.
    "Olivia, if you will follow me I will show you to your room." Roberto said while turning to go in the opposite direction.
    "I don't need my own room, Janel and I can share. I don't want to put you out."
    "Nonsense. This suite is large enough to accommodate us all quite comfortably," he said.
    We crossed back through the living area and entered another hallway.
    Robert stopped before another ornate door and opened it. If I thought Janel's room was worthy of a princess then mine was worthy of a Queen.
    It was as if I had stepped into the past and was in the Rome of olden days. The room or should I say rooms were huge. White columns flanked the entranceways. The enormous bed was set up on a dais and draped in blue and gold. There was a pretty sitting room with a white marble fireplace.
    "This is bigger than my whole apartment." I said stunned.
    "I hope this suite will meet your needs while you are my guest," he said quietly.
    When I spun around to answer him, I almost tripped and fell on him. He was right behind me and I was at eye level with his massive chest.
    "Umm, sorry." I murmured.
    He grabbed my arms when I had spun around and he did not release them.
    "You do not understand everything as of yet. But know this Olivia; you will forever be in my protection from this day forth. You are of the earth and thus so, I am charged with your care."

    Scent of a Vampire – Jude Stephens
    Page 18 of 172
    "In your care? Under your protection? Are you with the mob? Is that what everything tonight was about? That explosion tonight, was that a rival family hit? I knew you guys were too good to be true. Just when you think you might meet a decent guy...."
    "Enough Olivia! I am not, nor have I ever been in the mob," he said with frustration.
    "All will be explained to you before this night is over. Now go and shower, I
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