Scent of a Vampire

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Book: Scent of a Vampire Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jude Stephens
one who undid his pants and Ohhhh God, touched him. In all my life I had never acted this way. When I was married, I would often initiate such a thing with Brian, but we had known each other a long time. Roberto was a stranger to me. I know I promised Janel everything was okay. But how can I possibly stay here and face Roberto again? And crap, Alex!
    He said he was coming back. I forgot about him. How could I forget about a handsome, sexy man I kissed the daylights out of not even an hour ago?
    I was beginning to think there was something seriously wrong with me. Janel's great adventure or not, "I gotta get out of this town if it's the last thing I ever do." I sang. I made up my mind, come first thing tomorrow I would rent a car and head back to New York. I don't know what's wrong with me but something surely was. I'm going to ask one of the doctors at the hospital to order me an MRI. Surely I must have a brain tumor or something that would explain my actions.
    And my God, the feelings that overcame me. I had orgasms before and have always felt sex was good, damn good, but when Roberto and I were going at it, I could swear there was something else at work. I felt something moving through my body. Coursing through my veins like a drug, Scent of a Vampire – Jude Stephens
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    no it was more like an electrical current that made every touch feel hotter and hotter. I dressed in jeans and a long sleeve tshirt and left the bedroom filled with trepidation. I didn't want to face any of them. I was behaving totally out of character. I made a mental note to add a neurological evaluation to those orders at the hospital.

Chapter 6
    When I entered the living area everyone was already there. I couldn't look at Roberto and Alex as they stood up. I did look at Janel, who was decked out in her clubbing finery of a bright red halter-top and tight leather black pants while I was dressed to go to the mall.
    "Ahhhh there you are babe. I was getting worried about you. I was ready to start storming this museum to find you." Alex said as he bent to kiss my cheek.
    I finally dared to look over at Roberto, but he was ignoring me and lavishing all his attention on Janel. Maybe it was all a hallucination I began to hope. Stranger things have happened to people under duress, yeah, that's it, hallucinations. That fits in well with my brain tumor theory.
    Antonio walked in to announce dinner was being served in the dining area. We followed him into a room I hadn't noticed before. We walked through an arched doorway and were in a lovely dining room with a table that could seat twelve easily. I declined the wine offered because I wanted to keep a clear head for our discussion.
    Dinner was delicious but I had little appetite as Janel, Roberto, and Alex made small talk about the hotels they owned, the hospital where we worked and of all things, the freaking weather. I sat there wanting to scream with frustration. I needed to know what was going on. Not that it was unusually warm for early May.
    "Shall we go into the living area for some cognac? I think Olivia is growing impatient for information." Roberto said.
    "Thank God." I muttered as I pushed back from the table. When everyone was seated with the drink of their choice Roberto jumped right in. "What do you know about evolution?" he asked.
    "Ummm. Charles Darwin. Something about apes. I guess I don't know too much." I admitted.
    "The theory of evolution states that over time, as new species began to evolve, the more dominant species were in greatest control of the Earth's population. The more dominant a species, the more likely it would be able to reproduce and continue its climb up the evolutionary ladder. Characteristics from those dominant species would be the ones to carry on to future generations."
    "I do recall that now, but I don't understand why you are telling me this. What does this have to do with the explosion at Alex's hotel today?" I said.

    Scent of a Vampire – Jude
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