Saving Her Angel (Archangels)
snorted. “You’re kidding, right? You can’t tell me you forgot about her.”
    “No, no, no… Yes. Okay, I did. Again. Shit. I gotta go.”
    He hung up on Rafe’s laughter and sent a mental message to his brothers that he was heading to Eleanor’s house. All three of them were at Mike’s house in Houston. Uri and Sel had recently moved there in preparation for the regeneration into their new personas. Cam had considered moving, too, but his library held so many books, it would be a real pain in the ass. Luckily, his house was situated deep in the woods, surrounded by a national forest. He’d owned the plot of land for centuries and retained it when the government had tried to squeeze him out. Of course, they thought he was the original owner’s great-grandson.
    Soon he would become his own great-great-grandson. But for now he needed to check on Eleanor and pray he hadn’t completely screwed up by forgetting about her again. Since it would be faster, he ripped off his shirt and took to the sky. His mind wandered back to the book he’d found that might explain why she slipped his mind so often. He wasn’t 100 percent certain it applied, but so far it was the only clue. More time was needed to study the text and maybe cross-reference it.
    Eleanor lived in a small house within Huntsville city limits on a quiet street lined with similar houses. She was renting and saving up to buy her own home one day. Hopefully, the severance he’d given her would help with that. He thought of her smile and the light, floral scent she wore. Though he hadn’t expected to see her again after that morning, he couldn’t help but be glad he would be seeing her soon.
    As he landed in her backyard, he realized he’d forgotten his shirt. “Shit.”
    No help for it. It was important to know she was okay.
    Using his senses, he scanned the house and felt no evil or violence, although some demons were strong enough to block out or dampen their effects for a limited amount of time. He couldn’t take the chance that had happened. He turned the knob on her back door, found it unlocked, and stepped inside.
    Eleanor had her back to him as she hummed and stirred something in a steaming mug. He froze. He could just back out quietly, and she would never know he’d been there. He could ward her house against evil, and if anything passed through the wards he would immediately know. But then her doorbell rang, and she jumped, spilling the hot liquid down the front of her shirt.
    She cried out. “Oh my God! Ouch!”
    Cam was halfway across the room before he realized he’d entered the house. She looked up and screamed.
    “Cam? Oh my God, you scared the hell out of me.”
    “Sorry. Are you okay?”
    Holding her wet T-shirt away from her body, she nodded. Though not overly endowed, the V-neck and wet material worked together to give him a spectacular view. Despite being an angel, he was also very much male; he couldn’t help but appreciate the sight.
    “Why are you here? And…without a shirt on?”
    He opened his mouth to answer when her doorbell rang again.
    “Oh, uh…”
    “Are you expecting someone?” he asked.
    “Wait here. And lock that back door.”
    He hurried to the front door and set his hand against it. Rage and violent emotions hit him like a sledgehammer. He yanked his hand away and silently let his brothers know.
    Spinning away from the door, he found Eleanor watching him with a wary expression and her cell phone ready. Her hair was down, and he took a second to appreciate that before pointing to her fireplace. “I need you to crouch in there until I tell you it’s safe. Grab a sofa cushion and hold it in front of you.”
    Her pretty brown eyes widened. “What?” She raised her phone. “Should I call 911?”
    “Do you trust me?”
    “Yes, of course.”
    Some of his tension eased at her immediate response. “Then just get into the fireplace. Please.”
    She frowned, and he prepared for
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