Saving Her Angel (Archangels)
behind the only intact sofa cushion left. She dropped it and crawled out of her pristine fireplace, standing in the midst of her destroyed living room.
    “Wh-what…what the hell is going on?” she asked.
    Rushing over, he pulled her into his arms without questioning his urge to do so. She not only allowed it, but clung to him for a moment. The contact calmed his anger from the fight, and he looked down into her questioning gaze.
    How the hell do we explain this one? Cam asked.
    Mike just shook his head. Be creative and vague. I’m going to walk the perimeter of her house to see if there’s any sign of how long the demon had been here.
    Cam slid a finger down one side of Eleanor’s face. “Are you okay?”
    She slowly pushed back from him and set her hands on nicely curved hips. “Are you kidding?”
    “I mean physically. Are you hurt?”
    “No. Physically I’m fine.” She looked around her destroyed living room. “Emotionally, I’m on the verge of a breakdown and kind of surprised I’m not already screaming. What the hell happened, Cam?”
    He ran a hand through his hair, momentarily at a loss for words. Mike reappeared and closed the distance. “Had you ever seen that man before today?”
    Surprise lit her face. “No. I mean, he was kind of dirty so maybe he looks different cleaned up. But I’m fairly sure I’ve never seen him before.”
    He looked at Mike. She’s telling the truth, but I sense some doubt.
    Me, too. She isn’t absolutely certain and is definitely confused. She’s also scared, but I’m not certain if it’s because of the demon or us as well. I should wipe her memories.
    “No.” He scowled at Mike, who simply raised a brow, making Cam realize he’d spoken aloud. He cleared his throat and looked at Eleanor again. “I’m getting you out of here. I don’t know why you’re a target, but you are.”
    Surprisingly, she stiffened her spine and crossed her arms with a frown. “A target of whom? I’m your secretary, not a secret agent. I don’t have any enemies.”
    Mike snorted and walked to the still-open front door. “I’ll leave you two to sort this out. I’m heading home.”
    They both watched him walk out the door and close it behind him. Silence filled the air, but Cam felt her confusion, frustration, and fear. He didn’t like any of it.
    He grabbed one end of her sofa from where it was blocking the doorway and pulled it back into place. Then he grabbed the one good sofa cushion and replaced it. “Have a seat, please.”
    Her skepticism was palpable, but she did as he said. He sat on the uncushioned spot, still a head taller than her, and clasped his hands together as he considered what to say.
    “Cam, did I… Did you… Jeez, this is just too weird.” She dropped her head into her hands. “I haven’t been sleeping well lately, and I think I’m starting to hallucinate.”
    Rather than getting into what she may or may not have seen, he decided to concentrate on the bigger problem. “Eleanor, there have been threats against my family. Threats from an unknown source, that may or may not include those closest to us. Since I’m not married or dating, and really don’t have close friends other than my brothers, you’re probably the hu—um, person closest to me. I got here as fast as I could once I heard about the potential danger to you. I’m sorry that I can’t give you details right now, but I really need you to trust me.”
    “I…I’m still not sure any of this makes sense.” She shook her head as if having an internal debate then turned her big brown eyes to him again. “I trust you with my life, Cam. But I expect you to explain everything to me as soon as you know all the facts. I’m not going to follow blindly without at least knowing why.”
    It was the best he was going to get from her, and he knew it. “Deal. The why is because you’re obviously not safe here. So right now I need you to pack for a few days and come home with me.”
    A pretty flush
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