Savannah Past Midnight

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Book: Savannah Past Midnight Read Online Free PDF
Author: Christine Edwards
Tags: vampire, Georgia, alpha male, Deep South, plantation house
wouldn’t dare make a scene here, in a club filled
with witnesses, would he? If they try to stop me then I definitely
will. Humans watching or not.
    Suddenly a long arm lands hot and heavy across my
bare shoulders, momentarily stopping me in my tracks.
    I’m about to shove the male aside when a low,
familiar voice floats down to me, “You’re sure in a hurry tonight,
wildcat. Somebody botherin’ you that I need to know about,
    Does his timing ever suck!
    “Move away, cowboy. I’m in kind of a hurry.”
    Still holding me close, he pivots us around to watch
Tristan’s thugs fighting through the heaving crowd.
    “You sure do keep some nasty company, sugar.”
    “Not by choice. Now move or you’re going to regret
    “Nuh-uh, princess, took me over a week of asking
around to try and find out anything about you. Just happened to be
on my way home tonight when I saw your ride parked out front. Not
missing this opportunity.”
    I seethe, “Are you deranged?”
    He grins, his white teeth flashing in the strobes,
“Fuck, yes, although I’ll admit, I’ve never been asked that
question by anyone as pretty as you. Kind of a turn on.”
    I huff in exasperation as I shove him out of the way
and power forward toward the edge of the jammed dance floor, only
to be stopped by a mammoth human bouncer whose dark eyes are moving
between mine and the guard dogs rapidly closing in. He touches the
device in his ear, saying, “Got it, will do.”
    Damn! I underestimated Tristan’s level of control in
this setting. I never should have come alone tonight. I should have
brought Ambrose and Alina with me for backup. Shit!
    The towering bald bouncer frowns and says, “Back up,
lady. Looks like Tristan needs a word with you.”
    A cool, menacing voice answers for me, “She’s with me
and we’re leavin’. You got a problem, my man? If so, let’s
settle that shit right now.”
    His hand snakes around my waist and I’m pulled in
tightly against the warmth of his torso.
    He hasn’t a clue who he’s starting trouble with.
Tristan could snap his neck as an afterthought while drinking a
martini, while playing a game of chess … all simply for
touching me.
    Closing in from behind, one of Tristan’s guards
threatens, “Release her now. She’s coming with us.”
    He twists us around to face them and I watch Colton
smile a malicious grin, one of a fearless killer, before he lands
the two giant vampires with, “You just try and take her from
me.” I’m stunned to see a glimmer of excitement in his eyes, as if
he would almost welcome the violent altercation.
    I speak low and quickly, “Don’t do this. You don’t
know what they’re capable of.”
    I know I can get out of here, but now I need to try
and get him out of here as well. Damn it!
    His eyes never leave theirs as he says, “Think that’s
the other way around, wildcat. Time we bail. This place has always
been a den of fuckin’ wannabe assholes, anyhow.”
    As fast as a whip he lashes out with a powerful
haymaker that catches the first of Tristan’s men square in the jaw.
It hardly fazes the vampire—only causes him to stagger back two
steps. Both of them lurch for us as we spin around, the bouncer
blocking our way.
    No time! Need to move fast!
    “I’ll handle this.” The words fall from my lips as I
kick the bouncer backward through the set of swinging glass doors.
Any humans who see the act will most likely be too drunk or high at
this late hour to process it. Even if they do, it would have
appeared to be a fast, bad-ass martial arts kick that caught him
right in the chest, nothing more. There is no way for them to
measure the inhuman power behind it.
    We leap over his splayed out body as Colton shouts,
“My ride is right behind yours! Go!”
    I jump onto my bike and take off as Tristan’s furious
guards race out onto the sidewalk, fighting their way through the
crowd of bystanders. I can hear Colton’s engine behind mine,
knowing that he’s
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