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The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e–book reader.
Ranks and titles are generally the highest mentioned in the text
Abbot, General Sir James 199, 202–3
Abbotabad 203
Abdurrahman Khan, Amir of Afghanistan 86
Adams, RevdJ. W., VC 467
Addiscombe Military Seminary 214, 250, 253
Aden 187
adjutant birds, trick practised on 166–7
adjutants 219
Adlercron, Colonel 182
Afghan artillery 355
Afghan Wars
First (1839–42) 55–9, 85
Second (1878–80) 82, 85–6
Afghanistan, barrier against Russian expansion 59
Agg, Lieutenant James 220
Agnew, Patrick Alexander Vans 66, 67
Agra 38, 39, 276
barracks 143–4
Agra Tent Club 168
Ahmed Shah Durrani, Amir of Afghanistan 54
Ahmednagar, capture (1803) 312, 376
Akbar, Mughal emperor 28, 36, 39, 40
Akbar Khan 56, 57, 58, 397
Ala-ud-din Khalji, Sultan of Delhi 36
Aligarh, capture (1803) 310
Aliwal, battle (1846) 5, 65, 367–8, 416, 499
Allahabad 139, 316
Allard, Jean François 62, 306
Allen, Major 478–9
allowances 72, 272–3
Amboina massacre (1623) 45, 46
ammunition, artillery 337–40
canister 337, 340
common shell 338
grapeshot 340
roundshot 337, 338, 339–40
shrapnel shells 337, 338
spherical case 337
amputations 403, 404
Ananti Ram 260
Anderson, Lieutenant William 66, 67
Andrews, Lieutenant Thomas 243
Andrews, Sub-Conductor William 238
Anglo-Indians xxvi–xxvii
Anson, General the Hon. George 74–5, 473
Anson, Major Octavius 76–7, 148, 420, 465
Anti-Opium Society 435
apartheid attitudes, development of 72
Arcot 47
Arcot, Nawab of 50, 51
Argaum, battle (1803) 55, 333
Army Bearer Corps 257
Army of the Deccan (1817–18) 274, 281
Army of the Indus 55–6, 377–9
Army of Retribution 58
Army Temperance Association 434
arrack 417, 418
artillery, British
breaching batteries 381
counter-battery role 336
organisation 220
artillery, British – cont.
siege batteries, on parade 382–3
siege trains 381–2
see also horse artillery; Royal Artillery
artillery fire, advances under 342–3, 345–6
artillery, Indian 337
Afghan 355
Maratha 333
Mysore 332–3
Sikh 8–9, 333
Assaye, battle (1803) 55, 294, 311, 321, 328, 333, 336–7, 364, 402, 499–500
Aston, Colonel Henry Hervey 161, 225, 478–9
Atkins, Richard Riley 427
attitudes, British
offensive towards Indians 452–4
tranformation of 445–9
Attock 205
bridge across Indus at 26–7, 196
Auckland, George Eden, 1st Earl of [Governor General, 1836–42] 55, 58, 59, 61
Aurangzeb, Mughal emperor 39–40
Avitabile, Paolo di 62, 306–7
Ayub Khan, governor of Herat 86, 354
Aziz Khan, Subadar Major 299
Babur (Zahir-ud-din Muhammad) 38–9
Badli ke Serai, battle (1857) xxxii, 75, 230, 337–8, 341, 345–6, 353
Bahadur Shah II, King of Delhi 43, 74, 77
Baird, Major General Sir David 278, 386–7
Baji Rao II, Maratha Peshwa 71
Bancroft, Staff Sergeant Nathaniel W. 8, 10, 18, 130, 138–9, 235, 265, 294–325. 334. 340. 409, 418
bandmasters 137
bands, regimental 136–7, 145
Bangalore 140, 374
Banks, Sir Joseph 448–9
Banks, Major
Ramsey Campbell, John Everson, Wendy Hammer
Danielle Slater, Roxy Sinclaire