Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure) Read Online Free PDF Page B

Book: Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bella Settarra
Tags: Romance
she thought of the friends she would be leaving behind. She wouldn’t expect Blandon to understand. She felt a painful pang as she thought of the handsome sailor. She had come to love him and believed he loved her back, but it was hopeless. She let her fingers trail over the beautiful clasp one more time before leaving it where it was—she would have no need for it now. She pulled up the edges of the thick leaf, turning it into a rough dolly bag and quietly left the hut.
    In her bare feet she quickly made her way toward the harbor. The whole island was sleeping and the silence closed in on her like a heavy cloak. She climbed aboard The Refrainian , the largest and newest of the islander’s sailing vessels, and the sailors’ pride and joy. It was a marvellous ship, with every modern appliance they could hope for, including an onboard computer. It smelled strongly of the white flowers which were unique to the island. They had been loaded up ready to be taken to Eastland to be sold. The flowers provided a booming industry to the island and their heady scent penetrated the whole ship. Melantho’s petite frame lithely swept down to the holding area below decks. A cool store stood to one end, which kept the flowers fresh until they could be transported to the mainland, but at the other end of the lower deck there was a cabin with a couple of beds and piles of blankets. Melantho took a soft blanket and wrapped it around her. The fluffy feel of it next to her trembling skin offered some warmth and comfort and she wiped her tear-filled eyes as she began to feel a little better. Wedging her small body between the hull of the ship and a pile of warm blankets, she settled, secure and hidden. Leaning her head against the cushion of the woollen comforters she relaxed as the gentle lapping of the waves against the vessel, and the slight rocking of the ship lulled her back to sleep.

    * * * *

    “Let’s get this party started.” Aitan’s cheery voice shouted from outside the door, startling Melantho. She realized he would have been checking over the ship before they set sail and wondered whether he had looked into the cabin.
    “You got it, bro,” Rechavia called down as the engine purred into action.
    She heard Aitan’s footsteps head back up to the top deck and the two sailors’ lively banter as they settled into their routine. Having obviously checked the cargo, Aitan didn’t appear to return below decks, and Melantho took the opportunity to doze as they headed across the ocean. She couldn’t help feeling guilty that she was stowing away without their permission, and leaving all her friends without saying good-bye, but she would never be able to answer the myriad questions which were bound to be asked if she spoke to anyone.
    It was a comfortable crossing on a calm sea, and Melantho managed to sleep most of the way. The hum of the engine and the shushing of the waves were comforting and she managed to calm her thoughts somewhat.
    The sounds of shouts and heavy machinery woke her as they arrived in Eastland’s busy harbor and she cringed. The screeching of those dreadful animals— are they called birds?— made her shudder. The sound of the ship’s engine changed slightly as Rechavia manoeuvred the vast vessel, and Aitan’s voice could be heard shouting instructions to him. Then the sound of strange voices and heavy footsteps thundered down to the lower deck. She squeezed herself into a tight ball as she heard men’s voices laughing and chatting as they helped empty the hold of its cargo. When the voices dissipated, and she was certain the men had all gone, she slowly ventured from her cosy hiding place and put her ear to the door.
    “Time to stretch our legs, bro.” She recognized Rechavia’s deep voice.
    “Thank God. I’m starving!” Aitan’s cheerful voice replied.
    Rechavia laughed. “After all that breakfast your wife packed you? I’m amazed you can eat anything else for the rest of the day!”
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