Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure)

Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure) Read Online Free PDF

Book: Sacrifices of the Siren [Sirens and Sailors 6] (Siren Publishing Allure) Read Online Free PDF
Author: Bella Settarra
Tags: Romance
again. “What did you say to her?” Her voice was shaky and quiet.
    “Nothing I can repeat in front of you ladies, love—but don’t you worry, she got the message all right.”
    The men laughed, as Marinos went back inside to fetch more cookies.
    Melantho felt herself go cold. “I should have just gone with her,” she whimpered. “It would have saved everyone the trouble.”
    “You should not have gone anywhere, love. You’re staying right where you are. We told her that as well. I love you and I’m not letting you go, do you understand?” Blandon’s voice was firm and low. Melantho felt a warm glow inside her take the place of all the coldness. She smiled up at him. He was so gorgeous. There was no way she would ever want to leave him.
    “I think you need to get some rest now,” he told her, obviously noticing her stifle a yawn. She nodded. “OK. Will I see you tomorrow?”
    “Yep. Rechavia and Aitan are taking a shipment of flowers over first thing, but it’s already loaded so I’m not needed. You get a good night’s sleep and I’ll be over to walk you to the big house, OK?”
    Melantho smiled and they kissed before she made her way inside. Marinos was just coming out as she went in.
    “I’m going to bed now, Marinos. I’ll see you tomorrow, I expect.” She smiled.
    “What? Going to bed without your supper? You must have been super bad this time, girl,” he teased.
    “I really couldn’t eat anything, trust me,” she told him with a grin.
    “Oh, before I forget, that old witch told me to give you this.” Marinos delved into his back pocket and pulled out a sealed envelope. Melantho stared at it. She never got letters. She’d seen a few which Dr. Jay had delivered from time to time when a ship would bring over a pile with his medication orders, but that was all.
    Once she had washed and climbed into bed she decided it was time to open the letter. Her hands shook as she tore down the seam and fished out a single piece of paper. Her world stopped turning when she read the words printed there.

Chapter 3

    You will come to our house tomorrow to begin work
    as our servant girl. Solon and I live at number 12, Harbor
    Grove. Ask anyone at the docks and they will direct you, it is
    not far to walk.
    If, for any reason you do not arrive before tomorrow night your
    sordid little secret will be revealed. Rest assured, you will
    no longer be welcome on Refrainia when everyone finds out
    what you have done.

    Melantho felt a chill run down her spine and the words became blurry in front of her tear-filled eyes. A painful knot formed in the pit of her stomach and she felt sick. She felt a hard lump in her throat and her mouth went dry. She laid her head down and let the tears flood her face. A cloud of despair enveloped her and she stared into space, not able to string a thought together. Once again the world became a horrible place—dark, cold, empty.
    She must have drifted off to sleep eventually, as she woke to find herself shrouded in darkness. There was no sound, save the distant whooshing of waves, and a cool breeze wafted over her through the glassless window. She hadn’t put the shutters across and a pale moonlight picked out shadows around the little room.
    It felt as though a hard rock had been placed on her chest, as her heart was heavy and her throat was sore. As if in a miserable trance, she rose from the bed and felt around in the dark for her few meagre possessions. She had a few bikinis and a couple of shawls as well as a pair of rubber flip-flops. She placed them on a smaller Elmwood leaf, along with her toothbrush and comb. Her hand drifted over to the nightstand where she kept her most prized possession—a bejewelled hair clip which the doctor and Farris had bought her some months ago when they returned from Eastland. She had been so astonished by their kindness, and treasured the beautiful gift, the only present she had ever received. Tears ran down her cheeks as
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