Sacking the Quarterback
restoring it
to its former glory.”
    “ Yeah,” he said. “I love
this old place and can’t wait to get it spruced up. I’m glad I
brought you up here. It’s nice to see someone appreciate this place
for what it is.”
    Rhett turned to look at her, the
moonlight illuminating his face. His pale blue eyes twinkled and
reflected the light back to her. He was so handsome and he was
here, with her. How many times had she wished for a moment like
this a decade ago when she was young and dumb? Tonight was more
than likely a big mistake, but she knew she’d make it anyway.
People needed something to regret when they were old and
    She rested her head against his
shoulder and felt the familiar beating of her heart. It was about
the same tempo it had been that night on the beach as she’d worked
up the courage to go talk to him. Taylor had failed miserably that
night, so she sure hoped she found her gumption in a big way
    Taking a deep breath, she twisted her
head and pressed her lips to his, not waiting for an invitation.
His lips parted in surprise, but he soon joined her, his tongue
parrying with hers. Rhett slowly took possession of her mouth,
taking ownership of the kiss and pushing it deeper, harder, faster.
He ravaged her mouth, his soul-searing kisses taking everything she
had and only demanding more.
    He lit a fire deep within her, his
searching fingers caressing every inch of her through her clothing.
Taylor’s nipples were so hard they ached, her clit throbbed with
each heavy beat of her heart. Her lungs were burning—she could
barely breathe but refused to stop kissing him. He tasted of the
old stout she’d served him earlier, dark and strong, just like the
man kissing her.
    When his hands slipped under her
shorts to caress her ass, she let out a cry of delight. They were
frenzied in their passion. She’d been pushed past her limits of
control, and her mind had shut down. The only thing she needed was
    It had been too long since she’d had a
lover. Her skin screamed to be touched.
    She was suddenly under him, his large
body pinning her to the little couch. Rhett nudged his legs between
hers, his hard cock rubbing roughly against her core through the
layers of clothing they wore.
    Rhett tugged at her pants, or his
pants, rather, and her shorts. He pulled them down to her knees and
lifted her legs, baring her pussy. Without pause, he dove between
her legs, his mouth greedy on her wet folds. Her back arched in the
darkened room, the moon heavy and pregnant in the sky overhead.
Biting her lip to hold back her orgasm, she screwed her eyes tight,
needing the moment to last longer.
    She’d waited so long to have him, and
the night was moving too fast. She couldn’t stop it, wouldn’t stop
it. They were making a beautiful mistake together, a mistake she’d
wanted to make. One word, one pause, and the magic would fade away
and the moment would be ruined. Taylor had to have him. She had to
have him now.
    Rhett pressed two fingers in her pussy
as his tongue circled her clit, making her scream out in delight.
When he began pumping in and out of her entrance, she writhed
against his straining fingers, lost in the throes of what her body
was experiencing.
    Taylor was on the cusp, no longer able
to hold back the tide. She opened her mouth as the wave crashed
into her. Her body erupted, the nerve endings sizzling as she
screamed his name, her hips pumping against his strong hand and
tongue. Rhett continued to prod her along, demanding more from her.
The orgasm went on for long moments, only growing stronger with
each spasm of her pussy around his fingers.
    Finally it crested and passed, her
breath stolen with it. Her lungs were on fire, as was her throat,
from the cries of passion that had erupted from her
    “ I love a woman who lets me
know how much she likes what I do,” he said quietly as he brushed a
few strands of her hair away. “Keep telling me, sugar. Be as loud
as you wanna
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