Rusted Veins: A Sabina Kane Novella

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Book: Rusted Veins: A Sabina Kane Novella Read Online Free PDF
Author: Jaye Wells
them. Even though Giguhl had yet to wean the little bastards, they still required a steady diet of raw meat. Demon babies are born with predator’s teeth, so chewing wasn’t a problem. A side of beef was lying on the table while the kids dug in like a pride of lions going after a gazelle. Only less civilized.
    “Aynis, stop biting your sister,” Valva chided. Then she turned back toward me with the forced smile of a tired mom. Although, unlike most moms, she had golden skin and a peacock tail that twitched whenever one of her kids shrieked over a bit of gristle. “So what’s your deal, anyway?”
    I blinked and looked up from filling the coffee carafe with water. “What do you mean?”
    “Giguhl said you wouldn’t help find Brooks’s friend because you got your panties in a twist on account of the girl being Adam’s old flame,” she said with her trademark tact.
    “Did he now?” I counted each scoop of chicory coffee slowly, hoping it would help keep my temper in check.
    “I don’t blame you.”
    I frowned and looked up. “Really?”
    She shrugged. “If I found out Giguhl had hidden some whore from his past, I would grill his ’nads over a pit of hot coals.” Her golden lips split into a wide smile. “While they were still attached.”
    “Whore!” The smallest demon, a blue-skinned imp named Gooch, mimicked over a mouthful of bloody meat.
    Despite the overly graphic description and the kid’s interjection, I maintained a straight face. “In this case, I knew about the girl. I just had a little trouble with the shock of finding out she was in town.”
    She continued as if I hadn’t spoken. “Who knows why men do what they do? They’re all savages, really.” She reached over and picked up a juicy rib from the pile and began delicately gnawing at it. “Still,” she hedged, “I hope you’ll change your mind and help my sweet Sticky Buns. He’s missed you.”
    My conscience pinged. “I’ve missed him, too.”
    She set down the bone and licked her golden fingers clean. “Just don’t get him in any trouble.” She looked up slowly. “Or you’ll answer to me.”
    Suddenly I wasn’t hungry anymore. Valva was the daughter of Asmodeus and Lilith, the King and Queen of Irkalla, so she had some serious muscle behind her threat. But I wasn’t worried about retribution from those deities as much as I was concerned about her just making life at home a nightmare. Or maybe it wasn’t the threat ruining my appetite, but the effects of watching the demon babies tear into the carcass. Either way, it was time to get out of that kitchen.
    Just then, one of the demonlings toddled away from the table. She was covered in golden scales and bright green fur sprouted between the two black horns on her head. “Auntie Sabina,” she cried. Her claws were covered in cow goo, but I didn’t complain as she threw herself at my legs.
    I patted her little head. “Hi, Lulu,” I said, calling her by her nickname. I refused to call her the name her parents had given her.
    “Now, now, Auntie Sabina has very important matters to attend to, like ignoring her friends and punishing her lover.”
    I glared at the Vanity demon. A sharp pain bloomed in my right calf. “Ouch!”
    Lulu pulled back with a bloody smile.
    “Labya!” Valva cried, rushing forward to grab the kid by her arm. “No bite!”
    The child giggled and licked her black lips. “Aunty Sabina tastes like candy!”
    Thoroughly creeped out, I all but ran out of the room to go find Adam and Giguhl so we could get this damned wild-goose chase over with.
    *  *  *
    In the library, I found Adam on the phone and Giguhl typing away on the computer. The look Adam shot me when I walked in was a visceral reminder of the fun we’d had after our heart-to-heart the night before. I shot him a saucy smile in response and went to join Giguhl at the computer.
    “What’s shakin’, G?”
    He used his claws to type something into the computer. “I’m chatting with
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