Running From Fate

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Book: Running From Fate Read Online Free PDF
Author: Rose Connelly
    Coming here, to the place that had been like a home to her for almost 15 years, had been the right decision.  Her friends would have been full of advice and sympathy, but Patrick Kelly was the only person who would tell her to get over it and move on. Since the death of her parents so many years ago, he had become, first her rock and then her friend. Providing advice and comfort when she needed it and a place to spend the holidays when all her friends were with family.
    She stepped onto the weathered, but solid porch and knocked briskly on the door. It opened almost immediately and there he stood , as tall and broad as ever with only a little white marring the brightness of his read hair.
    “You look like hell, ” Patrick Kelly said by way of greeting. After a quick once over, h e pulled her in for a quick, tight hug. “What did you do to yourself?”
    She leaned back and look ed at him.  “You look great. What are you now, 50?” she joked.
    “A go od many years older than that me lass , but it’s been almos t that long since I’ve s een you,” he grumbled. “Did your glittery career in California mean you couldn’t see fit to spend just a we e bit o’ time with an old man?”
    When Mira blushed guiltily, he laughed and slapped her on the back .  B efore she could fall forward from the force of it he grabbed her arm and pulled her inside, shutting the door behind them . He steered her toward the book- lined study and pushed her into one of the leather armchairs that sat in front of a mellow brick fireplace. “Sit here,” he commanded, “and I’ll go and see that we have a spot of tea.”
    Fifteen minutes later Patrick came back into the room carrying a tray with a tea pot and cups on it as well as two blueberry scones that looked store bought . He carefully sat the tray down on a low coffee table and took the seat across from Mira. He waited for her to prepare her tea and take a healthy mouthful before he spoke.
    “Why did you no tell me about your troubles at work,” he said. “I had to hear about it on the Television . It was all over the national news a few days ago. ”
    Mira gasped and almost choked on her tea. She sat the cup down and coughed a few times to clear her airway s . “The national news, ” she moaned, already thinking about the consequences . “ I can’t believe there wasn’t anything more interesting to talk about. I mean, J&J Architectural Company wasn’t even a really big company. ” S he leaned back and closed her eyes . “I really am ruined now . No one will hire me.”
    “Ah, now, you’re just being melodramatic.” R each ing over , he laid a big hand on her knee .  “ Y ou did the right thing and the people on the news thought so as well . Well, most of them,” he qualified. “They even brought some environmentalist types on to discuss it .”  He leaned back against his chair. “ You stopped that beautiful piece of land from being destroyed and halted a criminal while you were at it. I’m sure that earned you a lot of support. Maybe one of those pe ople can help you.”
    “Unfortunately, ” she replied fatalistically. “I doubt most of those people are in the market for an out-of-work architectural designer .  They’re more likely to need a lab assistant .  Anyway, s iding with the environmentalists isn’t the issue and neither was stopping the land deal. The fact that I testified against my employer will really cause a problem.”
    He looked slightly mystified. “I’m no sure I understand.  Y ou did the right thing.  Your boss falsified paperwork to get that permit.”
    It would be nice to be that innocent, Mira thought, but she knew that wasn’t how the business world worked.  A whistleblower, no matter what their reasoning, would always have a hard time finding a job .  Their loyalty would be questioned.  She frowned .
    “If you keep your fac e like that you’ll get wrinkles,” Pat warned. He sat his half- eaten scone down and
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